
Why are newspapers so sensationalist?

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I just saw the front page of my towns newspaper and it showed a woman in obvious agony, crying and holding her dead child (the china earthquake). This does not encourage me to purchase the paper, in fact, i tend to avoid reading the paper/watching the news because the news is so depressing. Instead I choose to inform myself selectively on what is going on in the world. (And no, i dont think the world is getting worse. We are in the information era, where everything is readily accessible and news passes easily and quickly from country to country.)

But why must newspapers show pictures of peoples anguish and pain on the front pages, basically screaming them at you?

I wouldnt want my daughter to see pictures like that, and frankly it's distressing and disturbing for me to see them as well. Perhaps im not desensitized enough to see these images, but do papers have to be so brutal?




  1. I totally agree with you and especially the information era.

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