
Why are nice people more taken advantage of than mean people?

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Do you think this is the case? Tell me if it's true or not, if you believe it. What about if you are nice & have a backbone but you are STILL getting run over? What about women? Do you believe that nice girls finish last or is it different for them versus the "mean girls"?




  1. No, I do not think this is the case.  Being nice or mean to people has nothing to do with you ability to say no or not get run over.  You self confidence and self worth does.  Those who do not fear being disliked because they cannot or are not willing to bend over backwards for people can be just as nice or mean as those who do.  

    I know a person I call a martyr because she bends over backwards for everyone and does everything she possibly can within her field taking on large amounts of responsibility and time.  Yet, all he does is whine a complain about these things and act hateful and self righteous to people.  I also know several people who are able to graciously decline when possible obligations are too much for them to take on or can very politely and tactfully confront people about bothersome problems.

  2. Yes, it's happened to me. That's how the world is. They prey on your niceness, because they know you will go out of your way to be nice to them.  

    I think these sadistic people also "sense" that you're a nice person like how a shark smells blood.

    I've gotten bitchier over the years due to how mean people have taken advantage of me.....I even act bitchy online to make up for being walked all over on in real life for being too nice, but the same thing happens over and over again. I figured acting mean back would indirectly tell people to back off, but nope.

  3. Because some nice people might be more likely to be gullible whereas mean people might be more skeptical of other's intentions. Some nice or overly nice people may be somewhat or very passive, therefore, preventing them to stand up for themselves. Mean people don't put up with **** and will naturally be more aggressive and assertive. Anybody can be manipulated and screwed over, but if a nice person truly has a backbone and is more assertive or is nice to a certain point, then he or she will not or should not be run over, because he or she will take on the problem or situation to get the issue resolved as best as possible and not sit back passively.

  4. "Nice people" are more likely to see the good in people and be trusting of others

  5. Mean people don't let others walk all over them - they also don't care if they have to trample over others to get where they want to be. This of course is a generalisation...but there is a theory in there somewhere.

    There will always be exceptions to the rule.

    I like to believe that in the long run the people who will be happiest are the people who are nice, good people. No matter where you get in life, none of it matters, unless you're happy. Mean girls and boys for that matter can definately finish last too...because they're more likely to push people who care about them away.

  6. The reason is that mean people will think more on how you are going to fck them up, while nice people do not.

    Also the fear factor. People tend to fear more mean people than nice people.

    Sadly this makes a nice person to quickly put a mascarade of being a mean person.

  7. only if you let yourself be....gullible

    There are plenty of nice people who don't....

    If you have a back bone and are still getting run over you need to develop an edge your mouth and speak your mind...nicely and don't back down....nice but stubborn... :)

  8. It's true and the reason is because mean people don't take sh*t off other people.

  9. well it is mean people who are looking to take advantage of people and nice people are not. nice people tend to judge others by their own standards so they don't notice the mean people taking advantage of them till its too late.

    sociopaths do see nice as weakness, an angle/angel to exploit.

  10. because mean people dont help people so they dont get taken advantage of as easily.

  11. nice people leave themselfs open. poeple take advantage of a persons good nature. its life.

  12. Nice people are more accepted, easy and comfortable to be around.  Nice people make other people around them feel pleasant, happy and more often, they will do most favors asked by their friends or family.  On the other hand, mean people are the last resource for other to come to for any kind of favors...because they know that more than likely it's a NO or even back fired by mean people.  People will absolutely choose the one they most comfortable with to get help from unless they have no choice but go to the mean one to get help.

  13. Mean people don't care about others so there is less chance for them to be taken advantage of.

  14. Only because people think they can get away with it and not care about the gullible.

  15. Yes, it is true, and the reason why is because many have come to believe that being nice is the equivalent of being stupid. They feel that if your stupid enough to trust and have compassion for others, you deserve to be taken advantage of. Nice girls do finish last because they aren't playing by the same underhanded rules as mean girls. ;-)

  16. I think people see kindness as a weakness because that kindness will benefit them.  So they want to abuse that kindness anyway they could.  I can't tell you the amount of countless times that my kindness has been taken for granted back when I Was a child.

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