
Why are none of the candidates for president talking about the price of gas?

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Why are none of the candidates for president talking about the price of gas?




  1. i dont know and i dont care:)

  2. because they can't really do anything about it.

  3. They are but the media is not focusing on that!

  4. They can alk about it all they want, but it doesn't do any good, they don't control it!

  5. aj

    isn't that true of everything they promise and do talk about. And aren't they all members of congress

  6. Because they run on wind power - and a lot of hot air.

  7. they are my friend.

  8. Because there is very little they can do about it.  There are strikes in Europe about the same thing, nothing has changed.

  9. Thats a good question.  I don't know excactly.  I think its because they are the cause.  Most in government have tried to stop new drilling.  How can we be surprised that the price of oil has gone up after we stopped drilling projects all over the country.

    I did hear McCain talk about Nuclear the other day.  He made the point that France isn't having an energy crisis because they use a lot of nuclear.


  11. Because they can't do a darn thing about it?

    The democrats promised cheap gas to get elected in '06.

    Didn't happen did it?

  12. Yes they are. Check the news lately?

    "At a time when we're fighting two wars, when millions of Americans can't afford their medical bills or their tuition bills, when we're paying more than $4 a gallon for gas, the man who rails against government spending wants to spend $1.2 billion on a tax break for Exxon Mobil," Obama said. "That isn't just irresponsible. It's outrageous."

  13. They can't do anything about it. Congress can do more about rising prices than what the president can.

  14. People tend to avoid questions that they cannot answer....

  15. Because they can't do anything about it. It's a free market.. If the libs in Congress would open up exploration in certain areas we could get prices lower....

  16. My estimation is that both of them realize  their respective parties have failed us in terms of an efficient energy policy

  17. They are talking about the economy and taxing the profits of oil companies.

  18. because theres not much that they can really do about it at this point

  19. Because they believe the high price of gas is all hearsay.

  20. Because none of them care. Our tax dollars fill up there huge SUV's and motorcades.

  21. no control over it.

  22. Because they're empty suits.

    Ron Paul on the other hand....

  23. i wish they would.. Governor of Alaska asked why we don`t drill in Alaska?

  24. They are, as is everyone.  Rather, what really needs to be talked about, is why is the dollar getting so weak, as that is a major factor in the price of gas and much more.  Of course, this is avoided because the government doesn't want you to know they are irresponsible in spending more than they have.

  25. They can't afford to offend the ones who pull the strings that make the puppets dance.

  26. That's one thing they know they can't change. Scary, isn't it.

  27. It is a world-wide problem. Not just in the United States.

    Oil moguls need to be regulated by the UN or someone. They are the ones causing the world to suffer, while they are sitting on billions of dollars.

    Should an Oil mugul have a house like this?

    while other people struggle to get by while working two jobs?

    The only countries with cheap gas, don't have cars.

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