
Why are northern hemisphere rugby teams so bad in world cup the supposedly super teams are looking amateurish?

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Sam m. just to enlighten you Munster a provincial Irish side BEAT THE ALL BLACKS.




  1. Rugby is played pretty much all year round in NZ. It is a traditional winter sport. We do play in snow, and have even played the odd test while it has been snowing.

    Yeah . . . cocky kiwi gits are something no one should have to indulge. Sorry, we aren't all so big headed.

    To answer the question - I think it is easier to consider why the SH teams seem to be doing the business rather than why the NH teams are looking bad.

    NZ is looking good for two main reasons - luck and great coaching. The depth of talent we have in key positions at the minute is unprecedented and seems to be down to luck more than anything. Our coaching staff have taken huge risks and been very innovative over the last four years  - often ringing in big changes that have been largely misunderstood and heavily criticised  by the NZ public and media.

    I think the NH need a little more luck and some coaches that are willing to put their nuts on the block, try something new and take a risk. I think having three coaches has really helped, and I'm sure the White and Jones partnership will pay dividends for RSA.

  2. because when it comes the the beautiful game the nothern hemisphere teams smoke it

  3. It's a winter game.  We can only play in 2 foot deep mud.  The Southern hemisphere teams are used to playing in warm conditions.

  4. They are not developing their own players, They are spending huge amounts of money ,buying aging players from Aussie.NZ & South Africa. Also a lot of , American, Canadian, Argentinian players,are playing their club football in Britain and doesnt give the local talent much chance to develope.

  5. By supposedly super teams you're obviously talking about England who, right up until being stuffed by South Africa, were still talking about winning the tournament. Aye, that'll be right. The team that can't win the Six Nations is going to win the World Cup... Talk about a slim grasp of reality.

    Scotland have a better chance of winning, and realistically the closest we're likely to get is fourth. Nowhere near lifting the Webb Ellis Trophy.

    That's right behind South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Those are the three candidates for first place, no one else is going to do it.

    Certainly not England, who haven't even come remotely close to the standard of their previous World Cup winning team.

    Oh, and for the cocky Kiwi git, well, perhaps if rugby was the national religion in Scotland like it is in New Zealand we'd stand a better chance. But it's competing with football and while rolling around a nice dry pitch in Auckland might be fine, we play it in a Scottish winter. That's cold, wet and totally f'ing miserable. You ever played in snow? We do.

    You try it sometime, boy.

    Finally New Zealand's produced something I didn't think it could manage. Someone bigger headed than an Australian. Well done, mate. Congratulations on your achievement.

  6. They are brought up in the world of over protection in accordance with political / council guidlines- we are wimps, not born but bred that way, in the Northern Hemi.

    The southern hemi players are made of rock - look at their faces - they have winning written all over them.

  7. It's weird, it's all looking a bit Twilight Zone for them. Just this last December, my friends and I were discussing how France and Ireland would easily be competing with Aus, NZ and SA for the cup, and now look at the situation! France putting in amateurish performance against Argntina, and Ireland being frankly apalling against Georgia.

    At the end of the day, the World Cup has often historically been about who turns up on the day (hence why NZ haven't won since '87), so you always expect a certain element of surprise. But this tournament takes the cake!

  8. The Northen Hemisphere tems may be Super but the boys from the South are supperior, They invented the game WE PERFECTED IT

  9. its a cultural thing.  plus we compete in many more sports than they do.

    oh, and we're absolute shite, that doesnt help lol

  10. I have a theory, just a thought really,

    I wonder how beneficial winter Rugby is. The Northern Hemispheres have always played in the winter months and as such our play has always been known for it's strong but slow and 'grinding' formula, using large lumbersome packs most beneficial in rain and mud.  The handling skills are basic and at a slightly leeser pace.

    The Southern Hemispheres in contrast, play in summer months, and have always had a much faster paced, more fluid style of play.

    Now, I'm not saying our players aren't incredibly fit and able, but the Southern teams have again stepped up the benchmark.

    They clear the rucks and mauls so fast, with players hitting hard and at pace, while commiting fewer players as they are not getting 'bogged' down. In this way they have more options and runners off the ball to launch an attack against an opponent on the back foot.

    They can play so well in any position around the park and their handling skills and 'lack of mistakes' seems far superior this year.

    On top of that, they play with such confidence and self belief that it becomes a pleasure to which, losing is not an option and I think the Tri-Nations cup helps that.  They strive for perfection and consistency, something the Northern teams just don't have.

  11. At this stage all the teams at the top of their Group are Southern Hemisphere! Apparently its got to do with the pull of the Antarctic which is helping them. The closer to the south pole the better the team. Another reason is purely coincidental... they drink more beer.

  12. From a NZ point of veiw your teams look like c**p all the time and thats the truth heres how your teams stack up against the AllBlacks,England is the only team that has shone thru in the last 80yrs.Scotland,Ireland have never beaten us .England who invented the game have beaten us 6times from 29 attempts but have won the W.Cup,Wales 3 from 23 ,France 10 from 45 and the combined Lions team 6 from 38.We have a population of 4million tough,NH dnt have the rite stock,grit , fibre AND BRAINS for it ,but you have the population 100times more than us.YOU ARN'T TOUGH ENOUGH STICK TO FOOTBALL OR LAWN BOWLS EVEN KNITTING OR WATCHING PAINT DRY!!!!!GO ALLBLACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE DRINK AND EAT AS MANY BEERS AND PIES AS ANY ONE IN THE WORLD TOO.

    the European teams havnt fired a shot and its quite disappointing

  13. Too many pies and beer and not enough gym!

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