
Why are nurses nicer then doctors?

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why do doctors make more money then a nurse? when the nurse is nicer and does more then a doctor does?




  1. because nurses concentrate on emprovement of patient's health while doctors concentrate on patient's wealth.

  2. I was jus' kidding.. Doctors care about their patients too as much as nurses do.. But nurses became nurses because they are nice to begin with.  Doctors are the same but I know a lot of pre-med majors who are in it just for the money..

  3. Happy B-Day Leetards mom...

    Becase they all think they're Dr. House.

  4. Today's doctors are put upon -- a lot!  They are so pressed and pressured because many hospitals (at least the one I am most familar with) has so fewer doctors than needed.  The poor doctor operates almost as an elevator-- going from floor to floor and called upon for almost everything.  Think about it-- when you are stressed out-- are you very pleasant to be around?  And money-- they really earn it.  There are more nurses on staff, and they can afford to be nice-- in fact they better be nice, because too many complaints about them end in first reprimand, and finally, termination-- Toni D.

  5. Because we are just wonderful human beings, ha-ha. Doctors are nice people too. Sometimes they have to be the "bad guy/gal" and deliver bad news to a patient, or get on their case for noncompliance with treatment, etc. and that can antagonize patients. Some doctors are a "challenge." for sure, but in general they are very decent, kind people. Trust me, there are plenty of nurses who could benefit from a personality transplant!

  6. Because nurses actually deal with people, not charts...

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