
Why are office women and women schoolteachers so d**n petty?

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They whine and moan about everything under the sun. Their gossip fills the air. And, oh, the office politics. Why do these women feel the need to behave that way? Most of them have never broken a sweat when it come to work in their entire lives! It bothers the h**l out of me. I know, men have their quirks, too. But the women, and many effeminate men, are insufferable when it comes to being in an office-type working environment.




  1. office life can really be h**l

    people are brainwashed to think it's the best world

    maybe it once was, but it's not anymore

  2. It's not as easy as you think. I'm an office woman and I've had jobs where I've worked very hard. I still do when I have work. I'd rather be busy and not know what time it is instead of being all too well aware. You can't be talking about me anyway because I hate gossip. I avoid it. I'm not petty. It's just business. It's not personal.  

  3. Honestly, you really shouldn't let them get to you. You are in control of your own emotions and how you react to others. If you don't like it, you should just not listen to it. And as far as school teachers go, I was a teacher for 10 years and I don't find myself to be petty or gossipy. The faculty I worked with was very professional, and we didn't even have much time to talk with eachother, with all the lesson plans to prepare, classes to teach, papers to grade, etc... I have never worked in an office though, so I can't speak for that except to say again that you shouldn't allow others to make you feel so upset.

  4. I'm kinda old and I've worked in offices AND on construction sites and other predominantly male jobs and I can assure you that women are no worse than men when it comes to whining and gossiping. They just go about it in a little different fashion............

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