
Why are olympics show on west coast after a 3 hour tape delay?

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i know when you are watching the olympics, it says its "LIVE" but ive come to realize that it is only live if you are on the east coast. if its 8 am monday in china, then its 8 pm sunday on the east coast (12 hours later). if it was truly live then wed be watching the olympics on the west coast at 5 pm, but yet nbc makes us wait 3 hours until 8 pm to watch it. i dont get this cause to watch some of the main events you have to stay up til midnight or later, where if they played it on the east coast and west coast at the same time, then the west coast could at least watch the main events at around 9 pm. to me, i think if they played it live also on the west coast itd get more viewers too.

what do you think about it? why do they delay it?




  1. Agree

    Seeing it on line before it airs "live" is a spoiler.

    At least NBC is showing the basketball finals live.  Actually live not NBC live 3 hours ago live.  

    The bit about the claim that they could not get rid of the "LIVE" logo seems pretty weak.  Anything that weekend amateurs can do at local churches with donated equipment, I find hard to believe that an international communications company can not figure out how to do. -lol

    Don't get me wrong - I am glad for any coverage - It is just that I know it could easily be a better experience for me and 2/3 of the US.

  2. To make sure people are home from work to watch it, I guess? I don't know, I think that's really stupid. Because someone from here can spoil it for you west coast folks...

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