before i explain what i mean , i wanna say I'm know his happens with every religion (i'm not singling christians out) but christianity is the one i know most about so i'll use that.
whenever i've asked this to people before i get told that the old testament is not used these days , but didn't jesus say that he had not come to change the word of god. also if you do use the old testament then why do you eat pork when it says not to. and for those who do not use it why do u say being g*y is wrong when to my knowledge both of these things are only spoken about in the old testament
i just feel that if you going to follow a religion u should follow it whole heartadly and not pick and choose bits that suit you
and if you're going to tell me that some of it is not meant for today (or something like that) who gets to decide what should and shouldn't be followed? (if i got any of the stuff about the bible wrong i apologies, not an expert)