
Why are only the stupid people breeding?

by  |  earlier

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High IQ families average 1.5 children, low IQ families average an amazing 5 children, this is causing a decline in the average IQ for our species drastically decade by decade.

The cretins are cloning and feeding, and I don't even own a TV! :(




  1. I disagree with your premise.

    To me, low IQ's are the result of not being given the opportunity to learn and live in an environment which provides the requisite learning resources and the enthusiasm and acceptance of the learning process.

    Some of us can overcome and persevere while living in destructive environments.  However, most of us need positive help and support to overcome our inadequate environments.

  2. NEW LAW as of 2018:  

    (1)low IQ parents can have only one child

    (2)high IQ parents can have upto three children.

    Too bad we have to wait another 10 years.

  3. Because the Government reward these retards with a $7,000 baby bonus upon birth.

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