
Why are ostriches characterized for hiding their heads in the ground?

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Why are ostriches characterized for hiding their heads in the ground?




  1. Though I am not positive about this, I would imagine that it is because they actually do it, and nothing else I know of does.

  2. They don't really; if they don't run, e.g. if it's sitting on its nest, they lay their neck and head down flat on the ground.  The body then resembles a shrub and, with luck, the predator won't notice.  If it does, the ostrich can disembowel the predator with a kick; so really hunting ostriches can be dangerous.  They have about the smallest brains in nature, though.

  3. Because we humans think it's a silly thing to do.  It's funny to see that an animal actually seems to think that, if it hides it's head, it's predetors, or whatever danger there, can't see/hurt it, if it can't see them.  Since our little children sometimes think the same thing, it just seem funny and strange to us.  After all, aren't all things charactorized by the things that stick out?

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