
Why are oxford and cambridge the only universitys to race?

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Why are oxford and cambridge the only universitys to race?




  1. because they are the top two universitys in the country

  2. Oxford and Cambridge oldest universities and they decided to race as a bet in 1820s. Race just kept going from there.

    OXford and and Cambridge college also have their own bumps races as do some of the London colleges.

    IVs head and VIIIs head also have lots of university crews - University of London and Durham usually very strong.

    Summer regattas including Marlow, Metropolitan and Wallingford have fair number of university crews. Henley has its own racing category for universities.

  3. Because they are supposedly the 2 best universities in the UK they vie for supremacy in sport. They have football, rugby and hockey matches etc against each other but the Boat Race is the high profile one. The rugby match early in December is the other high profile one.

  4. The Boat Race is only one race in the world of rowing. Don't you watych the Olympics and see all the rowing thast goes on there.

    Most of the competitors will have come from University teams other than Cambridge and Oxford.

    Then on every river you will find a rowing club or two and they all race. Most of them every week.

    Rowing has a high participation rate and a low spectator level. The only TV coverage it gets is the boat race between the light and dark blues and some Olympic coverage. Otherwise people prefer to take part.

  5. They are not.The race on the River Thames is a traditional race between these two senior universities.Other universities have racing crews who compete against  other rowing  clubs at regattas like Henley.

  6. I'm sure there are tons of other university's 2 race that just happens to be a huge race that those schools have had against each other for a very long time it's just a traditional duel... personally I find regattas with a lot of teams involved way more exciting.

    I am very excited about coxing at the Henley but that's mostly club teams.  I know for a Fact being on a university Men's team that America has tons of rowing teams.  When I was at Dad Vail's on May 11th and 12th they had over 100 Different college university rowing teams.

    I would think Rowing should be a even bigger deal in Europe.

    Good Luck choosing a school

    If your good enough you can even get a scholarship!

  7. They aren't.

    There are lots of universities with boat crews.

    Just so happens that the BBC only televise that one.


  8. Where are you?  How about Univ. of Washington and Univ. of Calif. for starters!

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