
Why are paranormal invistigations done in the dark?

by  |  earlier

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And why does a camera pick up figures not seen by the human eye.

And Why does a tape recorder pick up sounds not heard clearly?

Also, do the tape recordings need to be slowed down in order to hear what is paranormal?




  1. Most spirits will not come near strong physical energy. (e.g. light bulbs) Therefore paranormal investigations are done in the dark.

  2. check out this article on my web site about An Inquisitive Look into Ghosts and Hauntings

    you can find a lot of your questions covered in our GHOST HUNTING + INVESTIGATIONS forums

  3. they are dont in the dark for more effect! they can be done with the lights on to ! or least candle lights!

    out eyes dont often see what we are looking for, the camera lense sees all

    i dunno here btw lol tho think its a good guess

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