
Why are parents against dating

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I just asked a question about my 12 year old daughter and stated she has a 15 year old boyfriend and got replies like "she is too young"

What? isn't it the person who KNOWS when they are ready to go on a date? Its 2008 ladies and gentlemen! I NEVER understand does parents that say ahhh, you 12 or 13, you are too young.

Look at europe, you can legal consent to HAVING s*x at 14 and, believe it or not, 13 in Spain!! Of course I would not want my daughter to loose her virginity at that age, needles to say,

but, hear is a question


Remember, many ADULT can have less maturity then a 12 year old, look at the what college kids do, drinking and driving, drugs, etc.


What is wrong with a 12 year old going on a date?????

Isn't it HER feeling, emotions, etc?? Doesn't SHE know when she feels right to go out??

Mother of a 12 Year old girl, who actually trust her daughter!




  1. 12 years old with a 15 year old is WAY too old. I would allow my 12 year old out with another 12 year old in my home. but 15??? I understand that you trust your daughter, but I wouldn't trust ANY 15 year old boy.  

  2. "12 years old" and "mature" do not belong in the same sentence, ever.  Only exception is if there is a "not" in between.

    Parenting is not just about trust when your daughter is only 12 yrs old.  It's about guidance and protection.

    Edit:  My vote goes to Thinktan.  Very well said.

  3. let her do it, if she brings alot of guys to the house tell her about prostitution, extra income is whack!

  4. 12 year olds should be focused on school, not boys and relationships.

    p.s. hear is to listen with your ears

    here is to present something, or give direction... see should be studying, not worried about dating!!

  5. I can't read all that..

  6. The 12 year old mind is not mature enough to understand the fundamentals and mechanics of dating, Dating is the precursor to engagement wich is the precursor to marriage.  Lets be realistic, is a twelve year old going to date a boy get engaged and married a couple years down the road? No! of course not.  

  7. You should do as the FBI does, Trust but verify!

    There's very serious consequences envolved here.

  8. Who knows there is but one way you can find

    out, ask your parents their reason for not letting

    you date???  Then you will find out, it's your parents

    not everyone elses parents, they will probably have

    a different response.

  9. there afraid of their children from getting hurt or doing something wrong,

  10. because they like to protect their kids.. its not the trust thing going on..

    if you want your daughter to have a boyfriend then go ahead and see the outcome of it...if something happens then its your fault.

  11. you say you trust your daughter .

    But do you trust her boyfriend.

    15 year old boys, well ... think what they think of.

    It would be a different matter if the boy was the sam age as her.

    but i think dating older boys should be left up until a girl is older.

    and isn't thinking like a child.


  12. it's better being protective than your child dating some gambling/drug addict.

  13. I understand where you are coming from.  But at the same time, I think parents don't let their kids date at that young of an age because that's their little boy/girl.  They think they are just growing up too fast.  But eventually, little by little, they will start letting go.

  14. Well, you have to be more aware of your daughter than if you had a son. I'm not saying that girls are weak, but they are easier to take advantage of. 12 year old is way too young, even by middle school or high school standards. It's is not the fact that she has a decision to make, it's the fact that you need to keep her safe and guide her. Your daughter is prone to make a mistake having a boyfriend who is older and can take advantage of her.  

  15. nut

  16. your daughter been knocked up yet?

    she will soon enough with you not setting boundaries

  17. are u crazy!?! she is a child not a teen! and you r treating your child like they did 70 years ago since back then they made them get married at 12! you should know better! you are not being a mom your being her friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    grow up be a PARENT!

  18. That is a tough one.  I would let her know that 12 years old is an age that kids are impressionable and vulnerable.  I would let her know the importance of morals and dating.  I'd only let her go on a supervised date until she is at least 15 or 16.  12 is so young..

  19. I have a 13 and 14 year old daughters and they are not allowed to date until they are 16 years old.They are alloewed to have a boyfriend and talk to them on the phone but there is no way in h**l that I am going to let them go out on a date at this age.That is just pure stupidity if a parent lets their child date at the age of 12.Teens are very curious at this age about s*x and all that,so better safe than sorry.

  20. psycho

  21. Parents make this connection:

    Dating = s*x = Pregnancy

    At least, that's the excuse I get most often, even though that's not what I'm thinking when I ask someone out.

  22. well a 12 year old and a 15 yearold is bit much what about when hes a senior and sehes like 8th grade hes gona want a gf his own age and that will break her heart  bc a senior boy is not going to go around braging about his 8th grade girl

  23. First of all, you dont need to justify anything to us..if u trust u r daughter ..thats great....but u cant expect me or anyone in that matter to think like u ...i dont have kids and i dont want kids...but if i do end up having kids...the last thing i would want her to date at the age of thing u know...she might think its ok to have s*x at the age of 14...and we all know what happns next...There are so many other things she should be doing...if she started doing all those grown up things now ...when will she enjoy her childhood?.....but thats just me ...

  24. Trust for my child at 12 years old??  HAHAHA.  Wow.  So is ignorance truly bliss?  Also a 15 year old and a 12 year old, who drives?  Or do they take his bike?  Does he tie a wagon to his bike for her to ride in?  Where do they get the money?  Mom and dad or do they just eat pb&js?

  25. It's good you trust your daughter...I trust my daughters too.....I DON't Necesarily trust all those guys out there!

    Just because something is done somewhere else in the world does not make it right or right for everyone!  Your daughter is 12, she is not mature enough, she does not understand many things, she has not got enough life experience to be dating some boy who is 15 or older....if you want to let her date someone her age and those dates are things liek being dropped off at the local swimming pool or dropped off at the movies or hanging out at your home while you are there then that would be ok.  If you let her go out wherever she wants with a 15 or older guy you are asking for all sorts of trouble.  She may be a good girl,b ut at her age her judgement and understanding is not there yet.  Teens often make lousy decisions and choices and mess up...the kind of things that can happen to a girl are astranomical...don't you think you are setting her up for pregnancy, disease, drugs and alcholhol etc by letting her get in over her head?  

  26. Quite frankly, it's not lack in trust of the child that prevents most from dating at these ages but a sense of who their child is and the level of maturity in which they have. I let my son date at 11 and found it to be a mistake for both my son and the girl in which he dated, neither was mature enough for it. The little girl's idea of dating was bullying my son (at this age, that is a relative way of showing affection towards each other) and luckily my son acknowledge this is not how he wanted to be treated. We discussed it and found that is how most of the girls in his grade treated the boys. Now, what if she or my son had decided to date children 3 or 4 years older with a greater amount of experience and unknowingly (or even knowingly) manipulate them into things they most certainly would not be prepared for. Point is, you may trust your daughter but common sense can leave in a moment and anything bad can happen in seconds.

  27. They're afraid that they're going to have s*x.


    Which is really stupid, and I think its good you trust your daughter :)

    I wish my parents would trust me..

  28. I doubt they mistrust your daughter. I'm willing to bet it's the fifteen year old they don't trust. At that age, 3 years is a big difference...

  29. i wish ur my mum my mam doesn't know bout the boyfrends ive had coz she she says am too young. mams dont like their kids having boyfrends proberly coz they fink they r guna get pregnant. discraceful. i dont believe that my mam doesn't trust me

  30. i'm dont a parent and i don't have a problem with dating i just thing at that age their should be a chaperon thats all

    thats what they do in mexico

  31. I could not agree more!

    Edit: Playing with baries at 12 is just messed up, thinking about boys however is not.

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