
Why are parents obsessed with completly blocking the subject of s*x from their kids

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I clicked on a question and all the parents said I "I pre-watch the disney shows to make sure its appropriate" (HELLO they're all rated G)

They don't let there teen girls read anything but American Girl magazines. I'm 14 and a virgin. Its parents who shut out all the information and advice to help grow healthy adults that cause early pregnancies and STD to be spread. They are not allowing there teens to be dependent as an adult. That person will not get educated and will make big mistakes. my mom talks to me about s*x. she tells me to wait as long as possible because I'll be the one 9 months pregnant and that I cant rely on anybody else but myself in life. she tells me if i ever have s*x to use a condom. But i want to wait for marriage until it's more meaniful.




  1. Yeah their kids going to have a tough time in the real world if their scared of a simple things like s*x. You can't protect them forever. I never really had the talk but it's kind of an open discussion in my house now that my brother and I are older (15 and 18). It's not even that bad. Your kids have to understand that it's normal, and eventually everybody does it. Good luck. =]

  2. I think a lot of parents think if they block the subject of s*x as much as they can their kids will never know about it and therefore never have the urge to do it, or even actually do it. They are trying to help, but do not realize they are doing more harm because then the kids start to learn from their friends about s*x because schools do not teach about s*x either, they just say don't do it or you will get pregnant and have AIDS. One survey done in Florida among teens even said that a lot of people thought if you drink a shot of bleach after s*x you can't get HIV and if you douche after s*x you can't get pregnant. These are the types of things kids learn because their parents and schools refuse to teach them anything. s*x is natural, we are reversing time, we need to just get over our shame of anything to do with s*x and educate people!!

  3. its dumb for parents to keep the topic away from their kids but telling them too much is bad too. parents need to be able to trust themselves to give the info at the right time. too much info and they kid my be too scared to try it. too little and the kid may be curious.

  4. Sheltering your kids isn't the answer i agree there.  While yes there is an appropriate time and place for things you can't block everything or that just makes them more curious and they will do things without real knowledge of what they may be getting themselves into.  I think that kids really need to have the talk much sooner anymore and while i think it is a great idea to prewatch movies your kids are going to watch or atleast watch with them I do agree that most little kids won't get the "adult humor" in the disney shows and movies but the older ones will.  

  5. You wont get pregnant if he pulls out in time, right? Ha ha ha!!!

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