
Why are parents on yahoo answers so uptight?

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Why are parents on yahoo answres generally so much more uptight than most other parents who don't really use this site and where I live?

We talk about what would happen if you found out your 16 year old son was smoking pot with a few friends on a saturday night and having a few beers...The parents on yahoo answers would freak and make sure they never hang out with those friends again and will always be supervised and would have a harsh punishment...

But now I know other good fathers in mothers, who would say that as long as it was in moderation, and if it was just on a saturday where they were having a little fun and just being teenagers, its fine there is no harm there. As they say" kids will be kids, we did the same thing at that age and theres nothing wrong with that"

So why...Why are the parents on yahoo answers so much more uptight?




  1. Just trying to lead teens in the right direction before they let something bad happen to them. Yes we may have been there, done that but we learned and just try to help when needed.

  2. You call that good parenting? You do know that if those parents get caught letting those kids do that, not only can the parents be locked up, but the kids can still be taken away by DSS to be wards of the state until age 18? I am all about knowing that kids are going to be kids.... it is one thing to catch your kids doing something like that, then making sure they earn your trust back. It is quite another allow them to take illegal drugs and underage drink! I wish more parents would be more "uptight." There would be less instances of teen alcoholism, there would be less addict teens and there would be less teen pregnancy. The reason why you may not see many "cool" parents on Yahoo Question and answers is because the type of parents you are talking about, don't care about helping others. They just want their kids to do their own thing and leave them alone. Great parenting right?

  3. alot of the others are right but i think the biggest thing is they are wooryed about kids getting bad ideas from the ansewers or even the questions

  4. I'm not a parent or anything...but maybe it's just because it's easier for them to say what they actually want on this site, or anyother site...rather than having to say it in person...or "real life."

    Yeah, but I totally agree...some of the parents on this site need to chill...I'm sure half the stuff the questions they respond to on here wouldn't be what they would say to their children.

  5. im on yahoo but im not uptight. ask my children, they'll tell you im a cool mum. easy going but not a push over, and i teach my kids right and wrong. so we aint all bad

  6. you dont know what a "good parent" is obviously.   All of those "good parents" that you know will very likley raise children who will grow up to be losers who do nothing but party and have drug and alcohol problems.

  7. You are asking people to publicly, condone an a illegal activity, on a permanently searchable web forum.  It would not be in their best interest to condone such behavior, on Yahoo Answers.

  8. maybe they haven't gotten laid and their kids hate them because they are always online and never taking care of their business

  9. because they like to force their morals on everyone else and say how immoral everyhing is and how they would never let their children do it. Even though their children just might be doing it while they are wasting time on Yahoo! Answers

    haha looks like uptight parents just downrated my answer! lol

  10. maybe parents where you live are just more lax...... irresponsible???

  11. That is everywhere, not just Yahoo!answers.  When people don't agree with you or have their set opinions on how they want the world run, and how they believe that their morals and values are the ones that everyone is supposed to agree with, that is when your going to get some uptight reactions.

    I can say that as a mother of 9, 14, and 17 year old African-American boys, all I can do is tell them what I  want and expect them to do while living in my house.  Those values (my values) and rules are to be followed I hope without a whole lot of extra BS.  As you know there is always something that a child will fall through the cracks with, you cant expect them to go through 18 years of life without something that you dont agree with, i mean come on lets face reality.

    I think I am a little more open minded than most parents.  How I was raised with 5 brothers and sisters is the same way that I am raising my children.  I allow the children to go to parties or hang out with their friends to let them be around different situations to see how they will react to them.  Yes they are pretty much set up to make the right decisions.  For some reason what I have talked to them about they have listened too.   I think since I have not been put in the smoking pot situation yet that I can not give the best advice.  But I think that....  Unless you walked in someones shoes that went through the situation then you have no idea what you are talking about so you are stating an opionion not a fact. We all have opionions it does not make them right and you wrong and vice versa.  And as opionions go you can take it or leave it.  It will not make or break you.  

    Just think for those who are parents, or want to become parents smoking pot is not the only thing that you have to go through while your child is growing up there is s*x, drop-outs, lack of drive to do anything out of life, and deciding if you are g*y, just to name a few things.  Pick your battle... but remember your child has a mind of their own...scary isn't it.  My advice is invest in a spa treatment and put on your boots there is going to be alot of s----that you must go through before they get out of your house, and you need to be ready to run the course.

    Always remember to stay true to you and what you beleive in.  In the grand scheme of things that is all that counts.


  12. I'd say it's because they are not in a relaxed, chatting environment.

    You say the first thing that's on your mind without hearing the whole story and others opinions.

    Also they might be saying what they think others want to hear.

    I am a parent myself but I wouldn't say that I am uptight on here.  I'm nothing but truthful and I do try to help where possible.

  13. Because parents that seek outside sources usually consider parenting as something that can be perfected or "right." As you said, all things in moderation. Some parents are extraordinarily strict on their kids. No alcohol, drugs, or s*x whatsoever. Yet these are the kids that usually engage in these activities (something I call the forbidden fruit effect). My parents always tell me that I can drink or try marijuana as long as it's in moderation and I'm not driving afterwards. Those boundaries seem reasonable to me. Therefore, I don't find these activities terribly exhilarating and I don't go on binges.

    Edit: Thumb me down as much as you want! You cannot stop the youth movement! :P

  14. because they are right

  15. I think you are generalising way too much. Not all parents are like that, surely you havent monitored the behavour of all parents on the site? Maybe the parents who are outraged by the behavour, and the ones who werent too bothered just didnt post because they didnt have much of an opinion...?

  16. I don't know any mothers and fathers who would say pot smoking and a few beers is fine because it's against the law and they could get arrested themselves for neglect and /or abuse themselves.....

    The only type of adult who would allow this is a poor role model and most likely a drinker/pot head themselves ...

    they wouldn't care what the kid did as long as it didn't interfere

    with their nite

  17. Because, sometimes in person, people don't have the courage to do the right thing.

  18. Because there are always some parents who are extremely uptight, some parents who don't give a d**n and the rest of us fall in the middle.

  19. I think alot of parents forget what it's like to be a kid and hang out with your friends, I was no perfect kid I tried pot I drank beer with my friends, yeah I did stupid stuff.  You can only steer your kids but you can't hold their hands forever you can just hope they'll make the right decisions and if they don't the parent should just be there for them and remember what they were like as a kid.

  20. My 17 year old son does the same,  I am not happy with it, which he knows, where does recrational drug use, turn in to something more! dont tolerate it anymore or condone it

  21. It's because:

    A. Everyone you know is probably thinking what people are saying on here. It's just that since you can't just beat down our door and report us to child services or something like that, that we feel free to speak what we think, and our first instinct.

    But I agree; ssseeesh!! Calm down you mamis and papis :)

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