
Why are parents so protective??? i don understand.

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Ok, so i was wonderiing, why are parents so protective of teenage girls in perticular?

specially with dating, and friends that are boys.

I just dont understand, what they have a daughter that is really responsible, and a daughter they ALWAYS use to trust, what happened? as soon as i hit teenager, she doesnt trust me with anything.

specially, boys. Friends or Boyfriends.

any explanation?




  1. Be glad that they care.  I worry about my daughter.  She is almost 11.  It is a scary world today.  I wish I could protect her forever but I can't.  It doesn't mean that they don't trust you.  They just want they best for you.  Be glad that they love you so much.  There is so much to worry about.  You have friends that could be a bad influence, you will be dating and could have s*x, you could get mixed up with drug or alcohol, and you will be driving.  That is a lot to worry about.

  2. lol. same exact thing with me.

    my dad does the sameee thing with me, but never my brothers.

    all dads just went their daughters to be "daddys little girl, or daddys lil angel" forever. unfortunately, theyre NEVER going to understand that everybody it going to grow up someday and find love. you just gotta prove to him that your mature enough for it! thats what i had to do =]

    good luck !<3

  3. It's their responsibility to take good care of their children especially you girls. You see, your parents have acquired knowledge and experience far greater than yours.  They had also passed where you a currently are.  So, your relationship with the opposite s*x must be taken seriously by them.  They want your life to be meaningful, and they dont want you to have problems associating with unguarded boys/ girls relations. Listen to them and face your study for you still have a long way to go. If you cooperate with them, you will rejoice in the end. Do not date now. Keep that for the future. When the time comes for that, nobody would quarrel with you.

  4. Would you rather them not care? Be happy that they care and love you.

  5. I am a teenager, and i happen to have parents that are exactly like that. And it's honestly because they love me and don't want to see me get hurt and i accept that as much as it does get on my nerves.

    and as you get older and prove you are responsible your parents will lighten up a bit. my parents did.

  6. well im only 12 but i know exactly wht happened!we all know being a teenager is like a whole new part of our lifes and every parents know it is the age of mistakes and trouble well show ur mom and dad that u are still an intelegent girl who wouldnt just date anyone you see on the street Talk to them about it and keep doing the GOOD things your parents trusted u with before u accualy GET a boyfriend tell him bout him first make sure he is one of the (good boys)that is different !anyway thanks for the 3!

  7. because we were teenage girls at one time ourselves and know what all can happen and did happen. Your parents are just trying to protect you from heartache, getting raped, making stupid decisions. Stop and think, we all have been there before, both as a teenager and as a parent. I never understood why my parent's were this way until I became a parent myself.

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