
Why are peasants moving to Lima,Peru??

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Why are peasants moving to Lima,Peru??




  1. lived in Peru for 8 years.  People move to Lima mainly looking for work and bcause there are more opportunities in Lima.  Many pùeblos in Peru do not have electricity, running water, sewage, etc and live in Lima seems must better than life in a pueblo in the provinces of Peru.

  2. Peasants WERE moving to Lima. For the past 40 years, peasants have migrated to Lima because of the centralist scope of all Peruvian governments, which kept thinking that Lima is Peru and thus concentrate their efforts in Lima.

    Foreign direct investment has changed that. Now the provinces are growing much faster than Lima and new industries are popping up in the North and South of Peru. In areas of Piura and Trujillo there is actually a need for more workers as the local labor is fully employed. This is now working in reverse to what has happened in the past 40 years, with people actually emigrating from Lima to the provinces.

  3. They can make more money here.

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