
Why are penguins black and white colour?

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Why are penguins black and white colour?




  1. Because it they were brown and blue, you'd ask the same question, but changed colors...

    Actually, there's a reason for it, but it's too long to explain. Do some research.

  2. Black and white are not strictly colours. The reason may be to do with their environment.

  3. what's black white and red

    a penguin with sun burn

  4. So they can be camouflaged in the snow (white) and be camouflaged in the water (black).

  5. i dont really think there is any reason. haha

  6. exactically ask the creator,

  7. Because it dont matter if there black or white


  8. So they can blend in with their surroundings.  (White snow, black rocks)

  9. God made them that way.

  10. i dont know teachers or science or your family know that so ask them ok they  will you the answer truth me ok bye

  11. They love monochrome

  12. so that when they are swimming, Creatures from below that are looking upward from underneath the penguin won't be able to see it as well be cause the penguin's underbally is white which helps blend in with ice or just the lightness from above. And when predators look down from above a penguin, the black blends in with the darkness below in the water .

    Adaptations! To help them live :)

  13. The usual reason given is that it provides camouflage when the birds are in the water.  The black backs mean that the penguins are difficult to see from above against the dark seas, while the white fronts make them hard to see from below against the light sky.  Thus predators such as seals, sharks and Killer Whales will find it difficult to hunt penguins.  Another explanation sometimes suggested is that the penguins can use their colouration as a form of thermal control.  If they are cold they can stand with their black backs to the sun and so absorb heat, while if they are hot they can stand with their white fronts to the sun and reflect the sun's rays.  This second explanation may be true in a few limited cases, but many species of penguin nest in the open and will always have their black backs upward, so that even on hot, sunny days, they will be absorbing heat.  We have seen African penguins on nests becoming quite overheated because of a strong sun.  These overly hot birds lie with their flippers extended to try to radiate some heat and also open their mouths and pant to try to lose some more heat that way.

  14. "All penguins are countershaded for camouflage – that is, they have a white underside and a dark (mostly black) upperside. A predator looking up from below (such as an orca or a leopard seal) has difficulty distinguishing between a white penguin belly and the reflective water surface. The dark plumage on their backs camouflages them from above."

    Now why is a Zebra black and white?

    LOL just kiddin


  15. because with their genetics their black and white cuz do you see anything else reproducing with a penguin??????

  16. thats the way they were born.... just like how grass is green....

  17. Because God must of thought they looked good in tuxes!

  18. All penguins are countershaded for camouflage – that is, they have a white underside and a dark (mostly black) upperside. A predator looking up from below (such as an orca or a leopard seal) has difficulty distinguishing between a white penguin belly and the reflective water surface. The dark plumage on their backs camouflages them from above.

  19. Thats pish - the minty ones are green.

  20. A zebra got into the bird cage on the ark

  21. so sharks and lions don't eat their butts :)

    because when you swim in the ocean you want to look dark from the top to blend in with the ground and white from the bottom to blend in with the ice.

  22. Skinny is right : countershading, seals and dolphins also have this.

    What goes : black, white, black, white, black, white ,black, white...?

    (penguin rolling down a hill!)

    M  :  )

  23. White: reflects sunshine reflected from the snow.

    Black: Attracts heat in the cold winter.

  24. If you look carefully I think you'll find they're actually white and black.

  25. because the white blends in with snow and... the black makes them not invisible to other penguins?? something about camouflage and environment anyway!

  26. The same could be asked for any animal.

  27. Why do we **** ? What a question

  28. Cuz they're cool like that! Why are you skin colored???

  29. cause they want to look like there wearing a tux, lol.

  30. because that is the way they want to be... leave them alone!

  31. because Battlefield 2 is a good game

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