
Why are people AFRAID of the EU?

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I dont understand it, the EU seems like a blessing to me. Sharing wealth amongst the poor to give everyone a fighting chance, tight human rights laws. A strong economy. whats not to love?

I think its the fear of change, if we dont move on we (britain) are going to get left behind.

What do you think?




  1. People natural fear the unknown.  For some reason no party or organisation in the UK seems to explain what the EU does except right wing isolationists and tabloid press who constantly report half-truths and sometimes stuff that was blantantly made up.  

    Studies have shown that countries with the highest knowledge of the EU are those with the highest approval rating of the organisation.

    In Ireland we are taught how the EU works in both secondary school and third level either on its own or in regards to how our own government works.

  2. Who's afraid of the big, bad EU? As a matter of fact, the USA, Mexico and Canada are planning to North American Union (NAU) just like the EU. Read, "The late Great USA" by Jerome Corsi, Ph. D., it'll ease your pain around this issue.


    People are afraid of it because when it actually happens, they'll be sheep before they even realize it. When the AU (American, not North American), the EU and the WU (Western Union, the countries, not the company) all converge, they will collaborate with each other. We will either be sheep or dead.

    Be afraid and fight against it.

  4. External fears (Economic reasons): States may feel they will not be able to compete with the E.U. economy.

    Internal fears (Cultural reasons): States may feel that their cultures will erode in order to embrace Western European values, norms and laws.

  5. You need to give some example of this "fear".

    If you mean not wanting poor countries to join until they are financially and politically stable that is normal, self-interested behavior.

    There are also segments of the population that believe giving up sovereignty to the EU somehow damages the country.  It merely damages the power structure of the people at the top.

  6. Not fear........ rather the lament for the death of sovereign nations.

  7. I supose it's human nature to fear something you dont understand. Bruxelles seems a million miles away to the adverage brit, most seem to wonder how people in bruxelles can understand their needs - forgetting that we all have the same needs for prosperity,sacurity and health...hmmm its a bit of xenophobia sturred in from the media and polititians who are in power atm.

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