
Why are people Comparing Brett Favre To Aaron Rodgers?

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I'm sorry to add another favre question, cause i know everyone's getting tired of them, but honestly, why are people comparing him to aaron rodgers? I mean, of course aaron rodgers wouldn't be as experienced as Favre because he's a ROOKIE. he's been Favre's lackey for 3 seasons. He has not played in an NFL game yet. So yeah, of course he's not gonna have experience like Favre. And Favre wasn't that good when he first started, but people gave him a chance, and see what happened to him? I think people should be considerate and do the same thing for Rodgers too. What do you think?




  1. What do you mean by they are being compared.  Obviously people are talking about them because Favre wants Rodger's job now, although i think Green Bay should let Favre play for em.  People are saying that Rodgers is a good players, that is just about the only comparison that can be made about him and Favre, other than that they are both Packers :P.....not for long tho

    Poor Favre lol

  2. According to their Wonderlic scores Rodgers is MUCH smarter than Favre. Maybe he will know better than to throw the ball to the other team!

  3. Agreed.

    I too recall Favre not being as great when he came to GB. People don't know what A-Rodg has to offer because he has yet to play a full season and game. People who compare Rodg and Favre are only acting out of stupidity.  

  4. Because it's inevitable when there's a veteran hall of fame quarterback who's been around that long, especially Favre for 16 years on the same team.  Look at Montana and Young.  Young was constantly compared.  Or when the Broncos brought in Brian Griese to replace Elway.  Fiedler to replace Marino in Miami.  It's just part of what people do when they're not used to seeing a new guy under center.  I think it's unfair to compare the two because they're two different players with different playing styles and abilities, but what can you do?  The die-hard Favre fans will demand him back wishing for the good ol' days no matter what.  As a Packer fan, I loved watching Favre, but the time has come for the team to move on and I hope Rodgers does well.

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