
Why are people Royalists/Monarcists?

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I dont understand, why would anyone see it as creditable being one?

What benifits socially or mentally do you achieve being one?

You have people who would rather be a royalist than believe in a religion, to me that is idiotic.




  1. I am a monarchist. I believe living in a parliamentary democracy with a monarch as head of state is a perfectly sane way to be governed. You have the will of the people, expressed in their votes for members of parliament, which is then further protected by the monarch. If you don't understand the system, you probably don't understand how the monarch can bring a human face to government and how she/he can help individuals who are hitting walls put in place by parliament.

    I am not a religious man. I don't understand how people can put their entire belief system in a two-thousand-year old book written by men and revised by a g*y man who didn't want people to know about his homosexuality, so he had it altered to be harsh on g*y men which wasn't in the original Greek and ancient texts (I'm referring to the King James version of the Bible).

  2. im from spain

    Without the king Juan Carlos,possibly Tejero had given a coup d'état and Spain would be a dictatorship. When the dictator Franco returned the trhone to the Bourbons (the dinasty that reing in Spain), he had all the power, but he resigned for give us democracy.

    for all this reasons im monarchy. if today i can vote is thaks to him

  3. People are monarchists because they want stability in life. If you don't want that it is idiotic to me. Most country's with monarchs are stable. Without them you can get a Dictator. Look at most of the country's that have got rid of royalty and you will find instability. Including places like France and Italy.

  4. You don't need to understand it. It is a system that works perfectly well, and has for over 1000 years with one minor interuption. When Britain tried a republic, it didn't work, and the monarchy was brought back.

    It's a stable form of government, as another answerer has said. I would rather be a royalist than a Bush supporter.

  5. Because they like kissing a s s

  6. it's easier than taking your chance voting. any idiot can be popular.

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