
Why are people SO into conforming?

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I personally think it's sad. So, so, so sad when people aren't just being themselves.

I knew this chick who was fairly normal. And then the next time I see her, her hair's all layered and teased at the top and she's got a brand new "I'm so hot" attitude. Seriously. Is that necessary? Right now, I think it's the scene kids and the emos that are abducting majority of society.

So I ask... why are people obsessed with conformity!




  1. think about how society works.

    To live in society you must conform to its rules.

    Its unfortunate that your area is full of these emo kids but that is the society as they know it ~ conforming simply simplifies the process of obtaining status.

  2. Firstly this is more of a psychology question.

    There have been ,any studies into social conformity, and, at the end of the day, to some extent most of us do conform one way or another. We may conform to the minority but we are still conforming. Not conforming is conforming to not conforming there for is a type of conformity.

    Although no one likes to admit it just about all of us to conform, we are influenced by our friends, family as well as society.

    There was a study where the researcher out three lines of different Lenghts up on a board in front of a group of "participants". In reality only one person in the group was actually a participant and the others were working for the researcher. Everyone of those said that the wrong line was the longest and in most of the cases the true participant (who was always last) also said the wrong line was the longest.

    At the end of the day it is human nature to want to fit in a conform, whether that is to majority or minority groups. Different people will want to conform to a majority group to feel that they fit in with most people, where others will want to conform with minority groups because they want to feel and look as though they are not actually conforming but being different.

  3. Sometimes conformity is good and sometimes it is bad.

    If you stop at a red light and then wait until it turns green before you go this is good.

    If you knock on a strangers door and are invited in before you simply walk in the door without being invited this is good.

    But, you are right, there are some people who conform for all of the WRONG reasons. This is called peer pressure. And let me tell you it happens in all facets of our society. It is going on at school, work, church, the ballpark, and Walmart.

    Our society offers rewards for those who conform. A student gets rewarded for making a good grade. An employee gets rewarded for following his or her bosses demands and the boss get rewarded by his boss in turn. Safe drivers even get rewarded with lower insurance rates.

    Anyway, conformity is an obsession for many people because they love to be recognized and rewarded by society.

    Almost anything that has ever been accomplished in our world has been done by a non-conformist however. Have you ever read the biographys of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, or Abraham Lincoln. Non-conformists all of them.

  4. It's the easy way, Ace. If you conform, you don't have to think for yourself, make decisions, or risk being looked at as weird.

    This is the bulk of any society, it seems, the 'lowest common denominator'. The churches have a field day with them - don't think, just follow "the book" and do what WE say. The advertising industry loves conformists, too. Just BUY, BUY!

    So enjoy your individuality! Be who you are, who you want to be, and LIVE!

  5. ive always been a non-conformer.i hated school, and always got bullied because i had funky shoes on, or similar.ive always looked at people and society in general, and thought BAAAA wot a load of sheep.some people want to express who they are but are afraid. i always encourage friends, family, or anyone, to follow their own path, dress how they want, be who they are. at 35 i still get people having a go at me, generally grown men taking the pee out of my gingerness.i say, EMBRACE your individuality.

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