
Why are people SOOOO obsessed with the Jonas Brothers?

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I didn't even hear about them until a couple of months ago. I didn't think they were that big. And now half the new videos on Youtube are Jonas slide shows that come supplied with their own Jonas fanfic (fanatic fiction lawl) in the description. Don't people notice on under their little sweet music thing they got going on that they are just greedy shmucks controlled by even more greedy shmuck?

And does anyone notice that when you asked why are people obsessed with <insert talentless shmuck or shmucks here> that they just respond with "Oh your just a jealous **** they make my panties wet so just go the h**l away."




  1. they suck

  2. Because USA is filled with stupid people who falls for these stupid kids.  The group is well promoted and they write about them in the papers all the time etc and so people start thinking that there has to be something about them.  Also, young women etc are stupid who will fall for anything wearing a pants it seems.  I think they are the ugliest, set of kids and they can&#039;t sing to save their lives.

  3. I see your point.

    but every generation has a famous obsession.

    like in the 80s it was Guns and Roses or The Who or someone.

    I&#039;m not saying the Jonas Brothers are anywhere as good as them but I mean they have a popular outlook.

    They&#039;re looks work for them and they&#039;re music is cathy and up beat.

    I&#039;m not obsessed with them but I like them, mainly because they aren&#039;t full of themselves.

    it&#039;s nice to see someone like that in the music industry.

    also I think a lot of girls are turned on by the fact that they wear purity rings.

    Everyone has they&#039;re own reasons to like them or not, but they will pass.

    Until then, we have to deal with it.

  4. Best band EVAR

  5. they are stupid white crackers!

  6. they are the band of the moment, a few years ago it was fall out boy and then before that it was nsync.....the media feeds pre teen age girls a massive amount of images and soundbytes and the little girls simply fall for it, next year there will be a new band in the spotlight.

  7. Just 13 year old girls are obsessed

  8. The only people that are obsessed with them are pre-teen and teenage white girls!!

    Trust me you don&#039;t hear not 1 black kid screaming over them!

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