
Why are people afraid of Religion? I am afraid of Muslims, because they hate Christians?

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I am born a Christian. i don't go to church.




  1. Interesting question , i guess we fear what we do not know. i am a Christian myself but because i am an Arab i am exposed to Muslims on a daily basis. So you just have to remember that there are good people and bad people in every religion, and you cannot really judge when your only source of information is the media ( remember to actually make it to the news section you either have to be really good or extremely bad when the majority are somewhere in between.)

    1 last thing, all religions are mutually exclusive. So in the end, if you live they die and vice versa.

  2. Wow how naive...Not all Muslims hate Christians, I to am a Christian and have not met any muslims who hate me. In fact, 5 years ago my class took a trip to a mosque and they treated us with so much respect.

    Its only a minority that might have a problem with Christians, just like some stupid Christians might have a problem with those who follow Judaism, or Trekkie's or just anyone! And Vice Versa, people can hate different faiths, but most of the time, their faith doesn't condone this type of attitude.

    Some of their beliefs may conflict, and people can disagree about aspects of a certain faith as they are entitled to, but believe me you have nothing to fear, you shouldn't be afraid.

    People make Muslims out to all be evil and terrorists, but that is only a few extremists!

  3. I am not afraid of religion, I simply oppose religion because everyone who seems to get caught up in one becomes a hypocrite. Just one plain simple but huge example, Ted Haggard. I do not like religion.

  4. Just try reading a small sample of Christian postings on here!!!

    Intolerant, egotistical, hate filled and bigoted!! Eschewing education, science, evolution works of fiction and much, much more. Christians are the only religion opposing human rights and persecuting g**s, pro choice and so much more - but far worse whilst they demand freedom of religion they deny it to all non Christians and persecute them!!!

    Is there anyone they do not hate?!!

    No loving god present there is there?!!

    You were not born a christian but as an atheist and indoctrinated into Christianity in just the same way as the followers of most religions!!

  5. And Christians hate Muslims, and Muslims hate Jews, and Jews hate Christians, and Christians hate Jews, and Jews hate Muslims.

    ...That's all of the match-ups, right?


    EDIT: Actually, Colette is right. I was just being sarcastic.

  6. Muslims have an excellent relations with Christians

    in the Muslim land, old Churches are still standing tall as testimony of all the Muslims GENERATIONS as protectors of faith


  7. All religion is BS, and its hardcore adherents usually try to slam their beliefs down everyone else's throats.  

  8. fear not the lord is always with u - u say u r born again christian - if u have accepted jesus in your heart then his holy spirit dwells within u  so he is always with u- but- u should be obedient to the lord and go to church and fellowship with his people- love peace and joy

  9. Dude, muslims dont hate christians!!! You believe in the one god, they have no reason to hate you, muslims dont hate anyone, they are peace loving people despite what the media makes them out to be.. Get your facts right

  10. Because they don't have a secure relationship with God as their Heavenly Father I imagine...

  11. No they don't hate us. They are portrayed by a media with an agenda to hate us but they don't.

    They believe in one God the same as us and it is only an element that make war on a liberal society.

    They do persecute people who want to become Christian in certain places and jail others preaching, but that is small in comparison to over 1 billion muslims

  12. Muslims don't hate Christians.

    You share a god.

    They consider you "people of the book," and you have special protected status in Muslim society.

  13. Religion is evil. Get out now while you still can. You will discover your inner spirit and be a happy person.

  14. Start going to Church regularly - not every Sunday, as is the general practice.

    And stop fearing Muslims; they are not doing anything to you ...

    Fear Only GOD!

  15. And herein lies the problem ...... fear born of complete ignorance.

  16. People are not afraid of Religion, rather they honor Religion. You've nothing to worry about Muslims---just keep a distance from the bad guys.

    You could be attacked by a bad Christian, bad Muslim, bad Hindu, bad Jew and so & so.

  17. Muslims don't hate Christians. They may 'hate' the crusades of the pope, and may disagree with Christianity.

    But they do hate the immoral (atheistic / commercialism / self-indulgence) of western society most.

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