
Why are people against abortion?

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I mean its not your body and believe it or not you have NO RIGHT to tell a woman what to do with hers, unless you're willing to pay for the child for the remainder of its life then just mind your own business.




  1. I'm pro-choice.   Choose to have s*x or choose to abstain.  

  2. Do you wish your mother had an abortion too?

  3. You're right, it's not my body.  Over the last six and a half months I've found more and more how much it's not MY body.  The first being when I heard my bub's heartbeat at 9 weeks and every time it moves.  At 14 weeks I saw it moving it's little arms over it's head and at the last ultrasound, it was sucking it's thumb.  I've never been a proponent for abortion, but any argument that there is only one person in question here is absurd and out the window to me.

    Just to add, the government said that it's a right for a woman to do so, and so be it until someone has the balls to truly challenge it.  But please, admit to what it is... when all is said and done you're left with a mother who killed her baby.

  4. Hey its my sperm if she wants to have an abortion I'd like my sperm back in mint condition.  

  5. I think it is a woman's right to chose whether or not she should disspose of her unborn infant. Let HER be the one to chose.  

  6. People are against abortion because they believe that the baby has certain inalienable rights before its born (right to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness), and that those rights (particulary the right to life) outweigh the mother's rights to do what she wants with her body. When you think about it, its similar to how you say that no one has a right to tell a woman what to do with her body.  The mother can do whatever she wants to her body, but should she be allowed to do whatever she wants to her baby's body?  The baby is innocent... isn't it?  I'm not a pro-life advocate by any means, but I do understand that "terminating a pregnancy" has more severe moral implications than pro-choice people like to admit.

  7. Because there's a separate life inside the woman who has just as much right to live as anyone else. The separate life inside the mother doesn't belong to the mother. That life simply resides in the mother and is NOT part of the mother's body. If believe humans can own humans, then you believe in slavery. By your reasoning, we should never try to interfere with a crime as long as we're not personally affected. That's completely stupid.

  8. Because it not your body either; it's another human being. I understand the argument but I don't agree with it. You can't get around the fact that it's another being your affecting. It isn't something you could get rid of like a tooth. A "bunch of cells" are beginning of life. While I am the last person to tell a person what they should do; it shouldn't be seen like it's an "ok" thing to do because of the situation of the family or that it's anything but life.

    I do think however that every resource should be made available for the family to rise that child.

    To say I'm against abortion but have anti-Universal Health Care stance, for example, seems hypocritical to me.  

  9. Well fortunately we live in America, where every person is entitled to his or her own opinion and has the freedom to express that. You have your opinion and other people have theirs...respect their opinions just as you would expect yours to be treated.

    One reason that people are against abortion is because in their opinion, the woman is murdering a living person. Whether it's her body or not, she is choosing to END the LIFE of a being that had no say whether it should live or die.

    Just as the saying goes, if you make your bed you must lie in it.  

  10. They actually think a fetus is a live, breathing, thinking human being.  A clueless lot, they are.

  11. So, mind our own business?  What if you have a kid and things are going well, then you lose your job and cannot support the kid anymore. What the h**l do you do, shoot it? And then tell everyone else to mind their own business because it is your child that came from your body? I have a right to tell murderers to stop. It isn't about YOUR BODY, it is about your childs body that is living inside you. Do whatever you want with your body, just leave the kid alone. Give him a chnace, give him to someone who wants a kid and can support them. Don't just kill.

    EDIT- You said you do not see us putting up money to help raise a kid? HOW THE h**l DO YOU KNOW what people on here do or do not do in their private life.  Also, I said give th child to someone who can raise it, not someone who wants to kill it if it gets expensive.

  12. are you stupid lol.......... you wouldnt even be here since that wasnt legal back in the day.... every new born deserves a like to seek and expierance like all of us did.

  13. because some believe that the soul enters the body while in the womb. i don't know when the soul (or life force) enters the body. i can only remember back to age 3 or so.  

    i am not God, but if God told me that the soul entered the body at conception AND that entity could feel everything, then I would be pro-life.

    this country used to do surgery on infants without pain killers because they did not know or believe that infants could feel the pain.

    funny how time changes all things, yet changes nothing.

  14. Right? The people who don't want abortions don't have to get them, plus why do they even care? Ooh, a baby. Not that great. It'll probably grow up to be an a*****e like them.

  15. then keep your legs together!  what about the baby's life?  Doesn't he/she have a right to live?

  16. If you don't want to pay, then don't play.!  No your body is not mine, and the baby's is not yours, I don't have a right to tell you what to do with your body and you don't have the right to tell the baby it can't live!

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