
Why are people against casino's being in a community?

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Why are people against casino's being in a community?




  1. To begin with, it seems like you have never been in or near a Casino.  There will be bright lights all night long, noise, prostitutes ...drug dealers, thieves, police cars all the time, sirens all night's like living near the strip in Las Vegas.

    Then lots of fast food restaurants will appear nearby and the smell of oil, french fries, etc. will drive you crazy.

  2. the bible thumpers believe it's against the bible. others believe it will increase crime and taking money away from the poor..yadda yadda yadda..

    in reality, the casino we have was the best decision ever for our county!  it's provided nearly 2000 good to high paying jobs and lots of revenue for the county.  that revenue has went to school improvements and improvements for the infrastructure of the county.

    to correct something someone else posted...there is no light pollution...there is no smell of grease or french fries(in fact, the closest fast food restaurant is 5 miles away)...crime has actually DECREASED because the county has been able to hire more police (more presence = less crime) employees are trained to recognize people with gambling problems and steps are taken to make sure they get help.

    casinos are not as evil as they are portrayed.

  3. They are afraid of increased crime.  There might be theft increases - purse snatching - robberies -- Gambling addictions lead folks to do strange things in order to keep up with their habits.  Casinos usually have drinking going on which leads to other issues when they are drunk -- fights, etc.

  4. I live in a town with four casinos, and sirens and prostitutes aren't rampant. It's nothing like living near the Vegas strip.  The casinos are downtown on the river. You can only see the lights if you're driving by them and they aren't nearly as bright as Vegas. I've also lived in a place with 10 casinos, and it was the same thing. Prostitution is illegal, so it's not like there are hookers hanging out on the corner. Not saying there isn't any prostition going on, but they're much more discreet about it. That being said, some people have moral/religious issues with casinos. They feel that people will go in there and lose their life savings and ruin their lives and families. It can happen if you lose control. Casinos give info about Gambler's Anonymous, though. They give workshops to their employees about recognizing problem gamblers and what to do to help them. Some people feel that gambling is sinful and casinos are where Satan hangs out waiting to snatch souls. They don't realize the HUGE improvements they can bring to a community. I've seen it for myself and experienced it, since I was a dealer/supervisor for over 12 years. I worked in Tunica County, MS for 8 years and watched it go from the poorest county in the nation to one of the riches per capita. The bottom line is casinos are supposed to be for entertainment purposes only. They are supposed to be fun; not on a mission to leave people broke and destitute. It's up to the gamblers to control themselves.

  5. They take money from those that can least afford it. The house never loses. Strangely for all the money they pull into a community, the problems that arise cost more in the end.

  6. This does go back to the bible in a way when Jesus found all sorts of business going on including gambling at this temple and wasn't too impressed to say the least.  His beef was that they turned the temple into a bazaar and not that there was anything inherently wrong with the business going on there.  However the bible thumpers as you call them, in their usual way, became confused here and took this to mean gambling is wrong.  This persists today, over 2000 years later.  These folks also have a problem with having a good time in general which includes drinking, gambling, partying, drugs, s*x, and all sorts of other activities people tend to enjoy and consider pleasure in itself sinful.  They tend to forget though that Jesus loved to party at least as much as the next guy and in fact one of his most famous miracles was at a party where they ran out of booze and he made water from wine and they say it was d**n good wine too :)

    So aside from all the ruckus that casinos create some folks don't want to have fun and don't want anyone else to have any either if they can help it which remains the driving force behind the so called vice crime laws and while we've made some progress here there's a very long way to go yet.

    King Cobra Poker

  7. 1. They think they cause crime because they used to be run by the mob 30 years ago.

    2. Las Vegas has lots of casinos and it is a center of immorality, prostitution, drugs, etc.

    3. Occaisonally people gamble their lives away and ruin them.

    4. They offer no positive aspects really.

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