
Why are people always asking for help...?

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Why are people always asking me to help them get closer to my best friend? She's beautiful and nice, but it's they are always nice to me until they reveal why..I'm a pisces if it helps and she's a gemini, but i just feel like it's been that way for over 7 it ever going to be the opposite or is someone ever just going to like me for me?




  1. What, is your friend famous or something?  something tells me you're young and maybe this is happening in school. Try befriending other groups of people, and hang  out with a more diverse crowd. Don't depend on one friend for social networking, and you'll start making friends who don't even know about your other so called friend, and will like you for who you are.

  2. Wow maybe they are intimidated by her beauty.

  3. I hate to say it... but so often the pisces ends up the more passive friend... sometimes less of a social butterfly (especially compared to gemini) and more prone to heavy emotions that sap their strength and confidence.

    I'm sure people think she's pretty and interesting... but they obviously don't know her. She may be a fun person and all, but just because more people are attracted to her superficially does not mean she's better.

    s***w those people who use you to get to your friend, they have little pride or respect for themselves let alone other people. Do you even want those kinds of people to come up to you anyway? They don't appreciate the deeper side of a person first... these are not deep people themselves.

    People will like you for you, and I'm sure they already do. Some people just attract more people naturally because of how they present themselves to the world - you just have to accept who you are and the way you are, and be confident in yourself. You're a different person to your friend and people will see you differently.

    Remember as well - don't get paranoid and just think everyone is just talking to you to get to your friend. I mean, they might want to get to know your friend more, but that doesn't mean that they don't want to get to know you too. Don't get gloomy pisces! Look at each encounter as a new one, and listen to your intuition about each person too.  

  4. Don't let people like that make you feel down, they seem to be extremely superficial any way. To be honest you have to bring yourself around positive people that actually want to know about you as a person, be upfront when someone wants to be your friend and ask them if they really are interested in being friends with you.

    And don't forget that your friend that you already have likes you for you and it's better to have 1 good friend than a bunch of superficial people pretending to like you.

  5. because they're d- bags that's horrible that guys treat you that way :/ :/  and yes maybe one day it will be the opposite there's someone out there for you actually there's probably a few :) don't worry i'm sure everything will work out for you  

  6. Maybe she puts out ?

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