
Why are people angry about 9/11 being a set-up or not?

by  |  earlier

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I mean alot of people still died




  1. I'm not angry about it being a set-up as it wasn't, as i witnessed those planes crash into those buildings, the Rosie O'Donnell syndrome doesn't work  for me, and if I'm expected to believe the pilots weren't who we know them to be you'll have to be a little more inventive

  2. Imagine this, the people you trust to govern your country coming together with people who hate this country and making a deal. This war, I believe was planned. I think 9/11 was planned to kick start a lot that has yet to come. I think our government is just screwed up enough to do it. I don't see how people could not question it in the first place. As you said people died. How can anyone go on and not want to know what really went happened when so many people were lost and so many of our soldiers are still being killed everyday?

  3. It is sickening that such deliberate lies are spread to hoodwink the people who saw for themselves the tragic effects of the conspiracy.

  4. Of course we were angry.

    Why do you think that we went after Al Queda?  

    Or are you one of those losers who thinks that a building can be imploded using some kind of 'silent explosives?'

  5. People who believe in black helicopters following them around, think the US flew the planes into the towers, and even post that the soldiers beheaded in Iraq were killed by the CIA, all suffer from a diagnosed illness called "Institutional Paranoia". It is curable with medicine, but they won't seek help because they think they are normal and everyone else is a nut case.

  6. Set up or not its been used as a tool by the government.   Especially around election time.  It would have been much harder to question if the Bush family didn't have business ties to the Taliban or bin laden family, and if bush hadn't made his "frankly I'm not concerned about bin laden" remark

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