
Why are people being penalized for solar electric panels?

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My friend had solar panels installed at my suggestion, in the city of Yucaipa,Ca. At the end of the year, after running in the positive credits (he generated more electricity than he used) the utility hit him with a $2,400.00 charge (equivelant to $2,00.00 a month, more than the average electricity he would have used without the solar panels).

My question, has this happened to anyone else? And if so, can people who are being environmentally responsible in this manner, band together and stand up against this assault on the

public, by such a predatory practice as punishing people for going green?





    you friend should contact the Calif public utilities commission

    his state and federal senators and governor schwarzenegger's office. (bring in the big guns)

    plus contact the local TV stations and news paper. (they love a good story.)

    if this is a meter problem the solar panel installer that did the job

    and the building department that approved the plans should have told him. before the system was installed.

    i will bet the problem gets solved. just on bad publicity aimed at the power company alone.

  2. Without knowing the specifics it would be hard to say one way or the other. If this is a one time equipment/installation charge, it wouldn't fall too much out of the normal charges for such work.

    The owner of the system needs to look at the contract he had with the Solar Panel company and see if he was responsible for any charges in this regard. I would be willing to bet this is where the $2000.00 charge came from.

    Contract Documents can have some nasty surprises in them and it is always a good idea to have them looked over by a lawyer and Construction Contract Documents Specialist.

    I've listed a few sites your friend might want to check out,the site for the Calif. Energy Commission looks to be his best bet

  3. has he gone to the city or utility and demanded an explanation....positive thinking maybe it was a mistake.   if it was for real then yes everyone who has solar panels or plans on getting them should start screaming loud

  4. It sound slike a technology issue.  Likely the meter as previously mentioned.  But if any special equipment is needed to allow th eback flow of power into the grid, then they may be charging your freind for that.

  5. It sounds to me like the utility goofed big time. Most likely, that's all this is.  If I were you, I would talk to them and see if you can get this cleared up amicably. If the utility won't do that, go to your PSC (Public Service Commission, or whatever the reguatory agency there is called) and let them handle it.

    On e thing tha tis NOT a good idea is to simply refuse to pay--but if you have to, do so under protest and document it. You may need a lawyer if you have to go that far.  

    Your idea--to find out if others have been victimized and act as a group, is great--and absolutely the right thing to do if this is anything more than an accounting s***w-up.  Good luck to you!

  6. Certain States or providers are required to buy or credit the excess electricity, however California is not.  The problem I am having with your friends situation though, is the power he generated would have been during the day when electricity is the most costly (peak demand - think rolling blackouts).  He would have consumed all of his electricity at night when it is cheapest.   Either way, it looks like he may not have been signed up for the program that California has, and did not have the correct meter.  Read these links and maybe forward them to your friend.  It may be a starting point, but if he wasn't signed up for the program, he may be forced to pay the bill.

  7. That normally happens when you hook a solar electric system to the utility and don't tell them. Or the utility did not swap out the meter.

    A lot of meters will not run backwards and even if you are pushing power back into the meter it still runs one way which adds to the bill.

    One other thing is your friend could be using power during peak usage hours which with netmetering cost more. Your friend needs to use power at night when rates are lower and let the solar electric system backfeed during the peak hours.

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