
Why are people bringing the fact that Sarah Palin has children as a point against her in this election?

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I've heard people state that it is irresponsible, even, for her to 'leave her children' to be VP. I'm not really on one side or the other, I'm just wondering HOW is that relevant? I'm pretty sure the working mother thing is pretty much accepted... and last i checked, men had kids, too.




  1. Maybe, because some of the people on the far right still want her in the home because they see it as a higher office than even Vice President?  

  2. The left is groping for a way to smear this exciting face added to the national political scene.  Instead of focusing on the issues, the Obama campaign is attacking her for being a woman, hope and change.

  3. I'm sure that Sarah Palin will be able to put 3 or 4 full time nannies on the government payroll. The only objection that I heard applies to both mothers and fathers who have large families and who do not have time to raise them personally. It applies to executives and politicians and especially where both parents are too busy to parent.

    I find that type of life-style an abomination, whether it be Obama or Palin, or any other high-level executive.

    My objection to Palin is mostly related to her Rush Limbaugh inspired political beliefs. All of the women I know who were voting for Hillary before, are repulsed by this inexperienced woman's political beliefs.

  4. I completely agree with you.

    Really people, does Obama not also have small children? It amazes me when people say bad things about the candidate they don't like when it also applies to their own candidate. What idiots!

  5. Sarah Palin stated in an interview in March that it was an "impossibility" for her to run for VP at this time because of the impending birth of her special needs child.

    When she could no longer hide her pregnancy from the Alaskan public, she dropped the bombshell on them that she was 7 months pregnant.

    She also stated that she would remain in Alaska to be able to care for her family.

    She has obviously flip-flopped on her decision to put her family first over the past few months.

  6. Her youngest child has Downs and they said if she was VP she wouldn't have time to care for the child

  7. Sarah Palin Is NOT The Mother [Photos+Video]

    It is Sara Palin's Grand-son that has Downs

    Still, against popular belief, most children with Down’s syndrome are born to young mothers: 51 % to mothers under 30, 72 % to women under 35.

    When Sarah Palin "broke her water" in Texas-- Why fly Back to Alaska to "deliver"?

    Palin Allegedly Broke Her Water in Texas While at a Conference, But Insisted on Flying Back to Alaska to Deliver the Child After Giving a Speech. Now, That's Mighty Curious, Could Have Even Endangered the Child

    normally after 7 months pregnant women SHOULD NOT FLY!!!

    According to new recommendations from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), healthy women with low-risk (i.e. "normal" or "uncomplicated") pregnancies can safely fly up until their 36th week, or one month prior to their due date. Women who should not fly at any time during their pregnancy are those at risk for complications or pre-term delivery, including women with poorly controlled diabetes, pregnancy-induced high blood pressure, or sickle cell disease, which can be worsened by high altitude.

  8. they know the media is all about sexual pleasures, and if he and she can pull a vote with her sexual looks,,,,she could give a hoot about her kids...I guess thats all Macain has now...

  9. no, it's because this woman is NOT qualified, and she doesn't give a d**n about the enviornment. Just what IS her stance on clean water and fresh air? research that, and you'll see that she isn't qualified.

  10. She has five children. If you are going to have a big family and especially one with special needs, then it is relevent. These children need their mother - not caretakers.  Her career and public life can wait another five or so years.  It just demonstrates to me poor decision-making.

  11. Who knows, it's something to nail her for.  The Democrats need some ammo - she has more executive-level governing experience than Obama, something Obama would rather you not read too much about.

    Doesn't one of her kids have Downs?  I thought I read that somewhere... actually I don't think the Dems will say too much about the kids as time goes on, since that will actually probably work to the GOP's advantage.

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