I'm pretty in tune with the American Muslim community - although I am not personally Muslim (I don't practice or believe) - I come from a Muslim family... as an American Arab, I'm going to have to say that we don't really like Obama that much because he alienated us...
I mean - he moves our "kind" to the back, and he refused to speak at a Muslim community... this understanding that if he does treat our kind well... it pretty much guarantees his loss in the election...
This sort of says something about how welcome we are in this society called America... honestly, I love it here, and I am a born citizen of this country - I call Dallas home... but America itself doesn't want me...
however, for Obama's sake, he is not secretly a Muslim... he is alienating the community just like everybody else...
he is on the fear/hate bandwagon... just like you... and I am sure he will continue to oppress Muslims and Muslim-related people as vehemently as any good Christian white man...