
Why are people calling this a food shortage?

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As I'm reading through Drudge today I see that there is this panic about a food shortage, especially grains. Here is my problem with this, there isn't a food shortage at all, at least not as far as growing it. Where the problem is coming, and these shortages are showing up is in the fact that a TON of corn, rice and other grains are going to biofuel. We are the first civilization in the history of the world to actually burn their food supply. The sad part is, we are burning it for a technology that isn't even that good, its only slightly better then burning regular gas. My brother-in-law's father is a farmer in northern Illinois. He grows mostly corn, but some beans. Around 90% of his corn goes to biofuel! And speaking with him about this issue, he tells me that his friends do the same thing because that who is paying the most for their corn.

Am I the only one that sees how crazy this is? I haven't seen anyone else talking about it so I thought I would bring it here




  1. Actually I have heard that it takes more energy to produce biofuels than the energy the biofuels will produce....but don't try and tell eco nuts that!

  2. First, the insane aspect: Realizing our carbon footprint is melting the permanent polar ice, modifying ocean currents and climate, raising sea levels, yet paying for a lifestyle choice (oil as fuel) without immediate nationwide demands for implementing proactive solutions.

    Now, Food shortages are that subsidized lands produce whatever the market dictates, and thus the lands normally growing wheat for example are now not growing wheat. That increases the price of wheat, and given a constant demand, leads to shortages. World wide food shortages are real! Think globally, look at the BBC website for "news". Edit: try this site.

  3. If you have family relations in farming ask them how much it cost to plant that seed in the first place Fertilizer has gone through the roof. here in America were somewhat sheltered from the fluctuations but in Viet Nam and other parts of Southeast Asia were rice is the mainstay they cant afford the pesticides and herbicides due to the cost of oil all these things are oil based and as the cost goes up so dose the cost of planting causing 2/3 loss of yield. In India 25000 farmers committed suicide because of the problems associated with increased costs last year alone. And finally in Australia the rice crop there is hurting to the point of failure have you checked the grocery markets lately produce is costing more and more The independent truckers account for 95% of all produce hauled to market and they are going out of bussiness at the rate of 6000 trucks a week that was 2 months ago how much more does gas cost now so theres just a glimpse of whats coming Oh and yea the Ethanol idea is another great way to pay off ADM and Monsanto!!!!!!!!!!!

    In addition the American wheat crop has 75% of it's wheat crop suseptible to the African strain of wheat rust if that hits can anyone say famine

  4. you didn't go far enough.   the government is paying farmers not to grow crops as well.   also the government has decieded to subsadize the biofuel program and a whole lot of politicians are investing their money in biofuels.   the investments are guaranteed to make money as long as the government is subsidizing biofuels.    the liberals are willing to end peoples lives, through starvation, in order to further their agenda into alternative fuels.     mr doodles

  5. LOL, you're right, it's not happening down here in South Florida.

  6. You're not the only one who thinks this is crazy. And it is finally getting some serious attention thanks to food riots.

    I hate that the governments are promoting this as the next great thing. Oh look we can save the environment by burning "clean" biofuels instead of "dirty" carbon fuels.

    Never mind that it takes more energy to create biofuels than you get burning it inefficiently to pointlessly drive around the city in a big SUV. Never mind that it drives up food prices since fewer farmers are growing food crops. Never mind that the farmers aren't actually getting a fair price anyway.

    So, no, you're not alone in seeing the idiocy of it all. In the minority? Yes. Likely to see a change in such idiocy? No. At least not anytime soon.

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