As I'm reading through Drudge today I see that there is this panic about a food shortage, especially grains. Here is my problem with this, there isn't a food shortage at all, at least not as far as growing it. Where the problem is coming, and these shortages are showing up is in the fact that a TON of corn, rice and other grains are going to biofuel. We are the first civilization in the history of the world to actually burn their food supply. The sad part is, we are burning it for a technology that isn't even that good, its only slightly better then burning regular gas. My brother-in-law's father is a farmer in northern Illinois. He grows mostly corn, but some beans. Around 90% of his corn goes to biofuel! And speaking with him about this issue, he tells me that his friends do the same thing because that who is paying the most for their corn.
Am I the only one that sees how crazy this is? I haven't seen anyone else talking about it so I thought I would bring it here