
Why are people coming down on Al Gore? No one is perfect, but he did open a lot of eyes to global warming.?

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Why are people coming down on Al Gore? No one is perfect, but he did open a lot of eyes to global warming.?




  1. First of all, Will, I watched that video, and it's COMPLETE bogus.  E-mail me if you wanna make a conversation.

    Regardless of whether this Global Warming is "man-made" or not, you gotta admit it's nice to see people change their lifestyles to be more green.  

    People pick Al Gore as a target cuz he brought the issue to everyone's attention.  People mistakenly believe that if they go green, their lifestyles will do a 180 and they'll have to give up everything they love doing.  Because they don't want to lose their currrent lifestyles, they find something to attack and prove wrong.  In this case, Al Gore and his philosophies on Global Warming.

    If everyone would open their minds, even those who believe this Global Warming is human-caused, we could find a solution to it.  We have all the technology we need to help turn this around, all we're missing is the cooperation between people and governments.  And if it turns out that this Global Warming isn't "man-made", than what's the loss?  We helped make the world a cleaner and better place to live... oh darn.

    Me M:  By saying that about Christianity, you're obviously not a Christian.  So don't even talk about something you don't understand.

  2. Because it's a convenient emotional argument against global warming science.  

    Sure, it's ridiculous.  Gore has nothing to do with the science.  What he says or doesn't say, does or doesn't do, has absolutely no bearing on global warming science.

    But since that science proves global warming is real, and mostly caused by us, it's all they have.

    Actually, it's not something to get angry about, it'sthe flailing around of desperate people who have lost the scientific argument.

    Like the guy above arguing against Gore's movie.  Someone sued to try to stop the movie from being shown in British schools.  He LOST.  The judge said the movie was basically right.  Read the decision for yourself.

    There's been no such lawsuit about "Swindle" because no educator thinks that piece of trash deserves to be shown.

  3. People are coming down on Al Gore for one reason, whether they realize it or not.  Al Gore made global warming a big deal.  He made it a "hot button" issue, and common water-cooler talk.  And people resent those types of issues unless they are directly involved with them or care about them.  The more they hear about them, they more they resent having to hear about them.  And they more they resent having to hear about them, the more they resent the person that got people talking about them.  

    So some people hate paparazzi or Hollywood stars because they're over-exposed in today's media.  Other people resent Al Gore for telling people they should care, because they don't WANT to care, and they resent having to constantly hear people talking about how they do care, or how other people should.  

    People's resentment of Al Gore is a direct result of his success in getting across his message to so many people.  Poor guy.  All he's trying to do is make a difference in the world.

  4. He did so fraudulently.  You do know that there must be a disclaimer read to the audience before the film is shown that must state the inaccuracies and embellishments.  A judge said this had to be done.

    There is no such ruling when the movie "swindle" is shown.

  5. He's making up false facts to change policy the way he wants it because it benefits him.

    Hypothetical scenario: I don't like rap music. I think it should be outlawed (I don't like it, but I don't think it should be outlawed). Then I get a bunch of scientists to agree that rap music causes cancer in 100% of cases who hear it. Then I make a movie that says that. I get people to agree with me and we get rap outlawed.

    The world is a better place.

    None of my process was real. It doesn't cause cancer, it doesn't kill polar bears, it doesn't kill the Earth. It's just a thing.

    But I opened people's eyes to rap so I did a good thing.

  6. He also invent the internet.  Right done a lot for global warming

  7. I agree.   People don't want to know the truth...even in part.  The movie had to be embellished in order to hit a nerve.  There's no harm in that as long as the general idea strikes home.

    Christianity is based on the same philosophy.  It's an exaggerated theory aimed at causing awareness and fear.

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