
Why are people constantly asking if the world will end soon?

by Guest67090  |  earlier

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and when it doesn't they act all disappointed. as far as im concerned ill be dead before that happens, either from old age or from what ever ended the world. so all i can say is surprise me.




  1. look up December 2012, Nibiru,,

  2. for your question there is only one answer that is read the REVELATION chapter in the bible it tells all about the signs that would happen in the last days.firstly, peoples are becoming afraid of there death secondly there are rumors spreading too

  3. Babbling idiots follow the 2012 joke.  Let the lame brains have their fun.

  4. They are waiting for their god to come take this world and destroy their enemies.

  5. I think, in general, people are not happy with their current situation and are subconsciously looking for a change. Religious or not, we suffer the same lack of fulfillment that prompts us to wish for “something else”.

    This is actually the next best attitude to have toward the future, because one reveals hopelessness, the fact that there is no solution in our world, and starts searching for a true method of correcting the world and developing according to the laws of nature, not in opposition to them.

    Why, despite our tremendous advances in all areas, we still feel dissatisfied with this life? Depression, obesity, cancer you name it. This link explains where our lack of satisfaction is coming from:

  6. Because they're a bit too tense. They have to learn to lay back a little, otherwise they may get a cardiac sometime and, yes, that may be the end of the world for them.

  7. Ever since Bobby Oppenheimer rightly observed "Behold I am become Death the destroyer of worlds". We have lived with the possibility that we could destroy ourselves on a global scale. This is a colossal burden that the human race shares, it is hardly surprising  that we should want to be relieved of it.

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