
Why are people dressing up as the joker?

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so heath ledger was good as the joker. really good. and it was a really good film. but why do people feel the need to do the joker makeup. i saw two people wearing the joker makeup yesterday! it really annoys me. they look like idiots, do they really think theyre cool?




  1. They're expressing how they feel. It's a common thing with teenagers. Well.. I hope they were teenagers. They're just having fun, just like the Star Wars fans.

  2. I can ride my bike with no handle bars,

    no handle bars,

    no handle bars,

    I can ride my bike with no handle bars,

  3. Chill out, hun. It's no big deal. They're either honoring Heath Ledger's last full production, or they're just having fun.

    It's basically a form of cosplay. Cosplay is when you dress up like a character from a movie, game, TV show, etc. to honor their performance/looks/history, or even to have fun with your friends. The joker wore makeup, so they honored Heath Ledger's death by wearing the said makeup. They don't think they're cool, hun, they're having fun.

    You can't blame them for being fans; it was an amazing movie. Besides, should it really bother you? It's just face paint.

  4. i think its dumb...i was at seaworld a couple days a go and this teen had his face painted like the joker...i think they should just leave it for the real joker.

  5. They are just riding the trend.

  6. I think it's just fun to dress up as your favorite character. They're probably not getting laid or anything so let them have their fun.

  7. 'Cuz cosplay is fun.

  8. The best 'Joker' was Caesar Romero.

  9. cuz they love the movie u ****** dumbass piece of ****

  10. its fun and they loved the joker.

    they probably dont think they are cool and as you said it was an awsome movie.

  11. ii knoww EXACTLY what youre talking about. its like chill people it was justt a movie, youre not really the joker. but i havent seen anyone actually go out in public like that, thats really creepy. maybe they were onn there way to go see the movie or something, still, its weird. ive only seen people post pictures on myspace and stuff and everytime i see a picture like that i resist the urge to find that person and punch them in the face!

    hahah jk but its really annoying

    x( dead smiley

  12. cause hes a bad *** mo fo

    i havent seen anyone who has pulled it off though

  13. its because they are sad and have no lives or maybe something like a tribute to health ledger

  14. I agree with the bear girl =]

  15. I don't think it has anything to do with Heath. I honestly believe it's just people who are die hard fans of the series and who enjoyed the movie. It's kinda like people dressing up like Harry Potter characters.

  16. Why people do cosplays? Because they think it's fun. You think playing you Playstation 3 is fun. People are different. Live with it. Game over.

  17. Because Heath Ledger is kick a55.

  18. They think they look cool.

  19. The best joker was Caesar Romero

  20. What like this guy ?;_...

    idk - I think its kinda cool - would be a good fancy dress or something.

  21. Its a momentary infatuation.

    They are identifying with a bizarre character.

    Better that then they dress up like the Jonas Brothers...

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