
Why are people for national health care?

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Haven't we learned what happens when the government takes control (post office, welfare, schools, social security).

If you really want to tackle the expense of health insurance......take on the trial lawyers. Bogus lawsuits are the sole reason rates are so high.




  1. Because they are not capable or just don't want to take care of themselves. Yes people should realize by now that when the government gets involved it only messes things up. I just can't believe how stupid people can be. Creating more bureaucracy is not an answer to anything. We need less of that, way less.

  2. Actually the reason rates are so high has to do with administrative costs.

  3. you're right, ...a lot of people have socialist dreams of universal health care.  It's more of a idea/theory, they don't realize what it means in practicality.  I'm not 100% decided either way, actually, but, i do agree with the concept that with everything the government runs, the *quality* goes way down (Post Office, Education, etc).

    Capitalism is competition and competition is what drives Quality, the strive to be better than the competitor.  


  4. The answer could vary by person.It is alway a good idea to hear the suggestion from different sides and try to choose the best one.Here is a good one i recommend.http://health-insurance.onlinebestoffer....

  5. i agree, thats why im a libertarian

  6. People mistakenly think that "national health care" is free.

    People mistakenly think that "national health care" is the same health care those in Congress get.

    Maybe they'll reconsider their opinion if we get a NHS system and then they see their taxes almost double and go from spending a few hours in the ER to spending 20+ in the ER waiting on a room. Or spending months waiting to see a specialist.

    There's a reason more and more and more of Canada's, Britain's, and the EU's system is becoming privatized.

  7. I think the post office does a great job.  And the police and firemen work for all Americans, not just those who can afford them.

    Although I agree about the bogus lawsuits.  I'm in that industry.  People sue (for no real reason) and nowadays the attorneys just find out what they're claiming as damage and the insurance company settles with them and hands over money because trials are too expensive.  The person suing gets cash, the attorney gets cash, and the insurance companies charge it back to you and me.

    I use USPS for my home business.  They've kept up with the Internet age amazingly well.  I print postage online, fill out request, and packages are picked up at my home.  Home businesses save energy and money.  The government is really pushing them.  USPS, a government department, is keeping up with technology better than the rest.  I also emailed my mayor and had a situation in my community taken care of with one email.  I can't even get ahold of a real person at UPS to take care of anything.  But I can understand you've had a different experience

  8. agreed.  national heath care would turn the whole system into a joke.

    quality of care is not even "questionable" now, because most people either already have a "single-payer" or gov't assistance, which removes the possibility of choice.  so doctors and the like do not have to give "good service".  their "customers" have no one to complain to about shoddy care, and nowhere else to go.

  9. You really don't think when you are comparing the Post Office to government control of health care costs such as medicare and all the fraud by the foreign doctors who put in phony claims and get money for fictitious and existent patients.

    Have you ever realized what a good service the government provides with the Post Office.  Where else can you send a letter to anywhere and I mean anywhere in the United States for 43 cents.  You can utility bills and mortgage and car insurance by sending the payment in an envelope for 43 cents and there is no chance of the information being hacked by on line hackers.  

    Could you imagine what your life would be like if you had to run all over town each month to pay your electric and telephone and water bill and property tax and car insurance etc.  

    Also what do you think that Fed Ex or UPS charges for you to send your telephone payment or your electric payment etc.  Do you think you could give them 43 cents for them to deliver your mortgage payment to the bank.  They charge about $12.00 to send an envelope somewhere.  Do you want to pay $12.00 per envelope.  

    Also it is cheaper to send a priority mail package through the Post Office than it is to use UPS or Fed-Ex for your package.

    Yes people complain that their packages and letters sometimes get lost but if you consider that there are almost 300 million people who can send or recieve mail everyday in this country and that the Post Office delivers six days a week to every single place in this country from rural montana and Idaho and Alaska and to every inner city neighborhood.  Does Fed-Ex or UPS deliver to everywhere in this country?  No they do not.  

    Now for the problem fo health care.  How come every other industrialized country be able to have national health care for its cvitizens and help them when they have bad health and the people don't have to worry about huge medical bills and losing their house and property for not being able to pay unpaid medical bills?

    It is because there is oversight on the part of the government and the people pay taxes for it.

    How come the IRS can make sure that everyone pays their taxes and the govt can collect the money even form people who don't want to pay?

    All the govt has to do is to say this is how much we pay for the treatment and this is how much you can charge.

    if you buy medicine in this country the bottle of medicine can cost someone 600 dollars for medicne but the same medicine in Canada is may 80 dollars?  Why do so many older Americans go to Canada for their prescriptions?  it is the sme medicine from the same pharmaceutical company In USA it costs a fortune and in Canada the price is reasonable.  The reason being that here the pharaceutical lobbyists control congress and allow the companies to charge any price they want but if merck or some other company wants to sell in Canada then they can only charge a certain resonable and above all affordable amount.  It must be affordable if Retired Americans on limited income can afford to mail away for the prescription medicines by mail to Canada but cannot afford the same medicne in their own country.  That is the real reson why people are for national health care to make it affordable for the "WE THE PEOPLE" to be able to afford to cure ourselves.

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