
Why are people for their own benefit killing or destroying wildlife?

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  1. cats have 7 live`s,, it will be o.k.

  2. it depends on their narrowmindedness and it also shosa their superiority over the other animal species

    in olden days many animals were hunted down just for sake of pleasure

    now many whales for their oil and meat and many more are hunted for their medicinal value

    man never thinks from the view point of the animals everybdy takes for granted that they are uselessso nobody bothers for them

      so ppl look for own benefits but  the harm they are causing to the ecology they dont understand they dont think for the future generations its very bad even people like us are aware but even if we spread ths awareness, nobody takes it seriously

  3. In my opinion, Killing wildlife is a least thing because people have become so selfish that they are not even caring their own people for their own benefit..........

      People are always ready to do whatever for  their own benefit............

    Only way is to teach the people about humanity.............and it is our responsibility to teach them..................

  4. As u have only told that for benifits of human like tiger or cheta skin, elephants teeth etc.............

  5. We have eliminated most of the top predators from our immediate vicinity in order to protect ourselves, our pets, and out livestock.  In some instances, we have tried to restore those populations. Would you like a population of mountain lions in your neighborhood? It could probably be arranged.

    Because of our eliminatuion of the apex predators, some species have become pests. White-tailed deer are one example. If we did not remove them through hunting (by far the cheapest way), they would be running rampant through our yards, eating crops and landscape plants.

    Sometimes we have introduced animals that have reached pest status. The giant Canada geese are an example. As non-migratory geese, they have displaced the more desirable migratory ones. Some people think they should be protected. These are not the people who have goose manure covering their yards and golfcourses or fouling (fowling?) their ponds and streams.

  6. I am an avid hunter and fisher.  Over the last few years I rarely shoot anything and I catch and Release(mostly).  I do utilize anything that I do take though.  That being said, the other hunters and fishers in my county do more by far than other organization to clean up and to assist in environmental protection.  We go out several times a year for organized clean ups, build habitats, purchase land to turn into sanctuaries, and raise money to support research for the betterment of wildlife.  As too the wanton destruction of wildlife, I am whole heartedly opposed to anything like that, as are most of the hunter / fisher type of people.  The sad part is, the day to day products that virtually all people use is what causes the greatest damage to wildlife.  Deforestation kills more wildlife than any other one thing.  Following that, it is pollution and automobiles.  So almost every person is in actuality killing wildlife for their own benefit, just not in a way we can see.  I do applaud your desire to point out something that is wrong, but before anyone points a finger, we need to look at where the basic things we all use in life comes from, and what the production impact is on wildlife.  I think you'll be surprised.

  7. Because of greed and money.

    In the black market, poachers can get tonnes fo cash for bits of animals et all...

    There's also the thing that humans believe that they are superior to animals...How many times do you see people on TV or in real life make the statement "It's just an animal" ?

    Humans are in no way superior to animals except for their brains...

    Many animals have natural defences-Claws, teeth, scales, thick hides, chemicals, etc, that they got naturally.Humans would be extinct by now if we hadn't developed weapons to defend ourselves...Try pitting yourself against a bison without a gun...

    Some people have the desire, deep down, to destroy things that seem weak, or useless, and to express dominance, due to which killing happens too...

    There are countless reasons...

  8. people killing wildlife is ignorant..some people killed wildlife for,its better that everyone should be aware of the value of wildlife.

  9. People do that to survive , darwin's theory , survival of the fittest .

    with regards

  10. There is an instinct in human to posses every thing for his custody .Some thing savage attitude needs proper control to become human .So when we are living let other living things to continue in the world .This natural law should be enforced in the world .

  11. i think so day- by-day human beings are doing the lowest... to show how lowest they can a days greedy human-being is destroying the nature in a very rapid opening industries,, new projects, shopping malls, by destroying the forests, animals, environment... to become wealthy.....BUT they snobs don't know that the are killing or destroying the animals or environment but THEMSELVES.....

    here taking a small e.g whenever man tried to show himself equal to superpower.... he always went in a loss like......where greediness goes to its peak level... there always a natural disaster come and clean up that snob persons....


  12. people can do anything...not to speak of wild life, people destroy their own life as well as life of others, and that too, without any apparent cause or benefit..!  people are people. you can't really help them.

  13. Why are there criminals in our society ?? For money meena !!! Skin of wildlife has a huge market all over the world and hence you have poachers killing animals for them.

    The only way to stop all that is by effective policing of all sancturies all over the world.

  14. because there idiots who don't think about anyones elses future but their own grrrrrrr

  15. Hello Meena Ji


    Elephants are killed for Tusk

    Tigers are killed for Skin

    Hen/Pigs/Goat/Cow/Buffellow are killed for meat

    Camels are tortured for Carting/Riding

    Horse are tortured for Riding

    Bulls are tortured for Bull fighting


    Peacocks are killed for Meat

    Parrots are Caged and locked in House

    Crows/Pigeon are killed for flesh

    Animals/Birds are our Eco Friends. they are helping us to make Eco system/Environmental

    No body is bothing. I do not know  when all the probelm solved.

    For more details please send me e.mail

  16. People are conceited fools who only care for themselves.  Other animals are like nothing to some, but by killing other animals, we're also killing ourselves.  Man will kill for anything.  Man will kill for power, kill for pleasure, even kill for no apperent reason.  Man's killing power isn't limited to just wildlife, but we'll even kill each oter in large numbers.  Just look at the fact that every second, there are at least 2 wars going on somewhere on the Earth!

  17. its because human beings believe that because they have the intelligence to build things and use technology that they should take advantage of that. But if they were really intelligent they would stop. So i guess were not so smart after all. therefore its because human beings are selfish greedy idiots that will be the cause of the end of the world.

  18. Your question contains part of the answer.  You ask why they are "killing for their own benefit"?  Humans kill for a number of reasons, some good, some not so good.  Many of the medicines you take are there because of animal research.  The food you eat, even if solely vegitarian, leads to animals dying.  Land is cleared, habitat is destroyed, pesticides are used (and insects are animals too, though to most not as cute or cuddly).  The use of electricity kills animals (high power lines, wind generators, etc...kill birds).  It would be impossible for humans to exist as a modern society without some animals dying.  We are in a continuous war with what is thought of as vermin (rats, roaches, mosquitos, etc...).  Our automobiles kill hundreds of thousands of animals a year (not counting insects, which are animals also) .  The use of ground water impacts aquatic animals.  You using the bathroom and creating sewage leads to some animal deaths.  The garbage we create, benifits some animals, and kills others (plastics are commonly ingested by some animals leading to their deaths). Your question would require a library of books to properly answer.

    We, as a species, also help animals.  Numerous animals are more prevelant now in North America (it is believed) than they were at the begining of European colonization.  The white tailed deer is a fine example, by 1900 it was exterpaited in a good bit of its range, now it is believed there are more than there was in 1492.  Hunters early in our history were responsable for much of the decline, market hunting to feed the masses in the cities back east drove the economics of it. Market hunting has long been outlawed, and the hunting that is done now is what is known as sport hunting.  The vast majority of hunters are ethical and do not kill what they don't utilize.  They also bankroll, in most cases by themselves, almost every conservation program that has been sucsessfull in America through, fees, taxes on ammo. and through private organizations such as Ducks Unlimited.  A fine example is that every animal considered a game animal and that is legally hunted (for the most part) is doing much better now than it was in 1900.  I know I have not been able to say all I would like to say, but, alas time and space would never allow a complete answer.  Remember, Teddy Rossevelt was an ardant hunter, and it was his love of the outdoors and hunting that lead to our first national park...Yellowstone.

  19. Scientifically speaking......Humans are in the apex of food chain.......and hence indulge in killing other animals for their comfort and survival.

  20. ALL THOSE PEOPLE WANT is More More More More More = _( sigh

  21. Too much greed encourages them to do so.

  22. Human beings think that we own, and have the right to dominate, every square inch of the Earth. Habitat loss is at the top of every list of the primary reasons why species have become extinct or are in danger of becoming extinct.

    The concept of "ownership" of land is preposterous: how can you "own" the organisms that live there, since they have minds of their own? And how can we claim clear title? Didn't we steal all our land from the native people and wildlife (all nonhuman, nondomesticated species) who lived there before us?

    Destruction of habitat (for example, paving it or turning it into farms, golf courses, housing developments, or parks) is not the only way that an area can become untenable (useless) as habitat. Anything that makes it unattractive or unavailable to a given species causes habitat loss.

    that is selfishness...

  23. You only live once.

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