
Why are people getting so obsessed with the British Monarchy?

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shouldn't we reserve some privacy for them as well?it isn't part of their job to always be in the papers,magazines,on tv...




  1. It's coz we don't like them

  2. you could ask why are people obsessed about j-lo, or any what they call "news worthy" person, because we are not like them, and for some reason either like to see them get kicked or risen on shoulders, human nature i guess

  3. Not Aussies, in general

  4. People will always be obsessed with their leaders, presidents, monarchs even dictators. Even though the British monarch can't be considered political leaders today, they are still cultural leaders and they will continue to capture the attention of the public.

  5. I think the word is not"getting" obsessed. The media has discovered the majority of people are fascinated about the things they cannot have ( money  power position) so they sell the information. If people did not want to know these things, then there would be no market

  6. It is part and parcel of being Royal. They are well paid, and therefore should put up, or shut up about being in the limelight.If Queenie doesn't like it she could always give up the throne.

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