
Why are people giving Sarah Palin so much attention?

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Seriously i know she would be vice president and all and that really important but seriously who cares if her kid parties and maybe had a kid young,do you know how many teenagers are like that?! Mccain should have picked a better person to run with him,i haven't heard anything about her politically,all i'm hearing are scandals and rumors about her,and people like perez hilton saying how much of a **** she is etc etc.




  1. What a stupid and illiterate statement camouflaged as a question.  Learn who she is and what she has accomplished before attacking her.

    THINK: she has an 80% approval rating.

  2. It's "shock and Awwww"  She's new so everybody wants to know abouot her.  the brouhaha will die down once the RNC is over and she gets out on the campaign trail.  She may become A,erica's soccar VP sweetheart or she may become America's soccer mom attack dog.  But either way she will have to amswer tough questions and after a while that will level her out with the rest.

  3. Because the American people can't get over what a joke she is. And the really weird thing is the fact that she is suppossed to be against teaching s*x ed in schools, and she is for abstinence but now that little perfect world of hers has come crumbling down. You can't be on one side of the fence politically and another personally.

    In a word she is a hypocrite.

  4. Have you looked at her

  5. She's a woman running for VP in the republican party.  That is groundbreaking for the republican party.  Big news.  

    She's a conservative.  Surely you were aware that the republican party has been torn over the fact that they don't see McCain as a true conservative, but more of a moderate.  So a lot of his support was really only a vote against Obama.  Palin is a conservative, and now the party is excited to actually feel represented.

    She's also beautiful and charismatic.  As you responded to a answerer, that shouldn't be a factor when voting.  Unfortunately, it is.  Lots of people vote for the shiny object.  How do you think Arnold got to be governer of CA.  Was it his mental prowess?  No, he was the shiny object.  Same is true for Plain.  

    It's the combination of all these issues.  

  6. Up until last week no-one knew who she was. So she's getting a concentrated lesson in worldwide attention and national smear.

  7. The liberal media is to blame. They have been attacking her since she was announced as McCain's VP. The whole country wanted to see her fight back. And she did not disappoint. Mccain/Palin '08

  8. Cause she is the news.

    Perez Hilton is a g*y ****. And you value his opinion?

  9. Because her horrible tone of voice is hard to ignore.

  10. because she is the new kid on the block and many people (at least from my observation) are threatened that an outsider of Washington politics and rhetoric wants to come in and turn things upside down.... that just doesn't sit well with people that don't like change they can't control...

  11. Theyre trying to take focus off the old man.

  12. Because she's kicking *** and taking names, all while looking "basically feminine."  : )

  13. Because she is a woman from Alaska, who nobody really knew about...

    and still do not know about except for they hear or read in the media.

    Remember this line from our previous President*

    Yes, I have smoked weed, but didn't inhale."

    Or more popular " We didn't have intercourse, just oral-s*x"

  14. She is an easy target being that she is not educated enough.  

  15. She's nasty and tells lies, just like the rest of the Republican party.

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