
Why are people going into high paying jobs just for the money?

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Well I want to become a surgeon, trauma, neurosurgeon, or cardiovascular surgeon to be precise. Today my uncle had to go to the eye doctor to get surgery, and my cousin found out that the doctor my uncle went to made $27,000 just for one eye. He then said that he would go into that field. I asked him why just for the money? His response was the last I wanted to hear, it was yes. He would be willing to do a lot of school, including medical school just for the money. My mother was a nurse, and my cousin is one right now, so I was interested in it too, that's why i wanted to go into that field. Also, I was raised in the hospital environment, so I loved it. I would actually do this job, and not get payed because it's my passion, but my question tonight is why do they want to go into the job just for the money, and they are not even interested in it?




  1. If they are not interested in it they will either become interested or fail.  I do a lot of things for enjoyment, but my job is not one of them - I do it for the money.  Doing things for enjoyment has nothing to do with work.  Work is strictly for the money.  If you are lucky enough to get paid to do what you love that is great.  If I can find someone willing to pay me to hang out with my kids every day I would quit my job and do that for a living.

  2. Why do people get jobs? Most people get a job to pay the bills and if you're going to be working you might as well be well rewarded for it.

  3. Who says they want those jobs just for the money?  One has to make a SERIOUS commitment to train for those fields.  I doubt its just the money.  However, even if it long as they are competent, whose business is it?

  4. Because these days money does matter no matter how many people would like to deny it,i'm sure everyone would love to do something they are passionate about but most people can't afford it and if you can you should consider yourself extremely lucky.

  5. People want money so they can live DERRRR

  6. I know it's immoral but I'd say it's for the financial security knowing you'd be able to ensure a stable lifestyle for yourself and family. Most people go to work and absolutely hate their jobs so it's safe to say financial reasons would have to be the main factor.

  7. You kind of answered your own question, for the money. I mean think about it, would you cut someones eye open, or operate on someones heart for minimum wage? I wouldn't.  People need security.  Especially in these times, and those high paying jobs are the same that are in demand, such as doctors.

  8.      Times are hard and most people would rather deal with the B/S that comes with the traditionally higher pay of a salary than the B/S and uncertainty that comes with say an hourly job.  Management's always looking to let expendable personel go in order to save a buck and with the economy in such bad shape it's not going to get any better so you can expect to see more mid to late career changes and more adults going back to school in the hopes of maintaining an edge over the rising cost of living.

  9. because people think money will make them happy.

  10. cause al ot of ppl need it

  11. Everyone has to work.  One may as well train for a high paying job.  One can find joy outside of one's work life and the money can assist that.

  12. Well some people do need better paying jobs because they have a family to support so they have to do that. Sometimes families have to choose to eat or get gas to go to work they can't pay bills so they could have their homes foreclosed. Some of us are just so lucky to be in a place where we can pay for stuff but some people struggle so remind yourself and friends that next you may see a person on the side of the road holding a sign that says will work for food don't just sit there wondering when the lights gonna turn green but give em a few more dollars you never know what that could mean! Just know that k? Now that I talked you ear off I hope I helped! Bye!!!

  13. I think you answered it yourself... it's just for the money.  I think he'll get weeded out, though.  Med school is kick butt and not for the fain of heart.  You have to have a good degree of passion or be a genius to stick through with it.

  14. because people like living a good life with luxury and not live normal and having difficulty to pay the bills and stuff.

  15. Many people go into a profession just for the money, however, they later begin to love it.  Some begin to hate it.  What actually happens to people, is that SOMEHOW they begin to find themselves in life, and generally wind up doing what brings joy and completeness to their lives.  Don't worry-- if the job doesn't fit them, they will change--- Toni D.  

  16. Im not sure.  I would prefer a dr or whatever that was there because they wanted to be there, not just to make a payment on their jag.  I for one chose corrections... probation to be exact and you cant become rich doing that.  but i chose the field because its what makes me happy.

  17. with gas, food, etc. prices being as they are, jobs with a low paying salaries can't pay for that and people need the extra money.

  18. unless you totally dedicate yourself to this field and fall in love with the work you will never be successful at it. there are other fields that pay as much as surgeons like pilots or ceo investment bankers etc. maybe he should try one of those.

  19. Most high paying jobs are picked for the money and because some people has interest in that feild, But where do you live moneys makes the world go around and thats all people care about....

  20. becuz in times like these adays people need money to put food on there plates, help pay bills, support their family, or for gas....and its sad :[

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