
Why are people here assuming that surrogacy is the same as baby selling?

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1. woman carries baby created of mother's egg and fathers sperm

2. woman gives couple their baby

3. woman is compensated for her medical, clothing, etc. needs and also for her time and energy used to give them the blessing they have prayed for




  1. In Islam we view surrogacy as haraam. Islam sees the woman who gave birth as the child's mother.

  2. It depends on your definition of surrogacy.  It sounds like you are talking about gestational carriers and not surrogates.  

    Surrogates are women who use their own eggs, carry a baby to term and then are given a large sum of money to relinquish the baby that is biologically theirs.

    If that is the surrogacy you're talking about, then yes, I consider that baby selling.

  3. If surrogacy ain't baby selling then what do you consider baby selling?

  4. Personally it seems the biggest reason of all that a woman would be a surrogate mother is for the financial gain.

    It is right or wrong.   Not my place to say, but you can't honestly say that most surrogate mothers do it because they just love being pregnant and want to help families get a baby,  don't think so, it's a paycheck.

  5. Because they are idiots.

    Edit: mom of 4, I am shocked at these answers, I thought everyone would agree with you and I have 4 thumbs down!  I don't see how it is like baby selling at all.  My SIL carried a baby for her cousin and all he paid for were her dr. visits and her clothes.  She wasn't ineterested in maing money, they were very close and she was being a wonderful cousin.  AND the baby they carry is THE COUPLE'S, not hers.  So she is selling the service of the use of a healthy and capable uterus, the bun is all theirs.  The people that say it is the same are not usin' the ol' noggin,

  6. Maybe because there is money involved in it, some cases. Personally I have my fears of surrogacy, only because the mother can change her mind and keep the baby. Then it becomes this big old court mess, between the parties.

  7. 1. Woman has baby.

    2. Woman gives baby to other people.

    3. Other people pay woman 30,000 dollars (give or take).

    What's not to understand?

    ETA: Really, momof4?  So why is it in Surrogacy, the woman who "carries" the child gets to pocket the money but in traditional adoption, the woman who "carries" the child doesn't see a dime?

    No matter how you try to justify it, it's selling a baby.  If you really wanted to do it out of the goodness of your heart, there would be NO MONEY changing hands.  Once there's a payment, it's selling.  

    If I donated a kidney, it'd be just that...donating.  If I accepted payment for ANYTHING related to it, it would be SELLING my kidney, and that's illegal, now, isn't it?

  8. I think you are thinking of only one type of surrogacy..

    1. woman carries baby created of mother's egg and fathers sperm

    Actually I belive it is more often

    1. woman carries baby created by womans egg and fathers sperm

  9. Because they don't think about the question...and if they did It wouldn't help .......all they want is to belittle and start stuff instead of trying to be an asset to Y/A Community. All they want is 2 points 2 points.....I personally think the point system should go...I'm sick of idk answers......if udk don't answer!

    Surrogacy is the best gift you can give a person!

  10. Some surrogates DO give their flesh and blood away and in return they get money for their "services"

    If you don't want to think of it that way fine. But i don't think it really matters how YOU feel about it. Lets see how the commodity feels when he/she grows up and speaks for his or her self.

    Wait! I forgot! They ARE speaking up, and they're not too happy about it either. I have friends who were surrogate children, and they're pissed! I would be too. Money was exchanged for my delivery only I was a legal adoption, my mother wasn't a surrogate and I'm pissed too!! I'm sure YOU wouldn't like money to be exchanged for your delivery, but then again, any mother who DOES give away her own flesh and blood for money.... hmmm.... yeah, maybe you would like it.

  11. It's the money.  And the sheer amount of it.  Duh

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