
Why are people homeless? why cant we pervide them with shelter ? do we not have money ?

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i am asking this because i feel so hurt when i see people with no homes , no money , no food or water and i just want to know the answer to this problem i want to know how it all started




  1. Well  the flawed Veteran Administration because about a third are war veterans  and the rest are people who fell on hard times or the our letter word...drugs. Volunteer at a soup kitchen during the holidays.

  2. I understand that you are sad, but instead of moping, you need to do something about it. Okay, many people are homeless for many different reasons. Some got pregant too young, others lost their job, some got into too much debt, some had husbands walk out on them, and others were robbed. There are too many situations to name, but none of them good. Many homeless people ARE put into a homeless shelter, but as you know, a building only has enough room for so many people. Homeless shelters in my area often turn people away because there isn't enough space. Another thing is that most homeless shelters have a limit, usually around 90 days. If people are there for 90 days, they must leave unless they are making good efforts to get a job or earn money. Some towns don't have the money to put, nice, bigger homeless shelters. The one in my town, just underwent a great renovation and is now big enough to fit 40 single males, 40 single women, and 60 mothers and children.  It has open areas and lots of wiggle room. The money wasn't from the town, but raised by a group. I donated about $800 to the shelter's re-model. Basically the group went door-to-door showing pictures of the shelter currently, it's tight spaces, small kitchen, dirty bathroom, and un-welcoming appearance. They also showed the blueprint for the new one, and an estimated cost. Each person threw some money or a check into the box they carried. I think they raised like $45,000 and it paid for the entire thing.

  3. if everyone had all this stuff...would there be anyone to help? i mean i hurts to see this...but isnt that the point? it makes us care and want to do something good.

  4. This is one bigger than will fit in a Yahoo answers space but for some basics.   There are many causes of homelessness from low income, lack of affordable housing, physical or mental illness, substance use, family disputes and domestic violence, running away and being thrown away for teens and young adults, abandonment for teens and younger kids. The average homeless person in the US is a 6 yr old child which means half America's homeless are kids under 6.   This is according to the Institute on Children and Poverty and the National Assn for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth.   More affordable housing would be a big help.   So would relaxation of certain housing codes.   Yrs ago ppl would rent out the upstairs of their house or the basement creating extra income for the family whom owned the place and an affordable rent for tenants.  People rented what were often called studio apartments in the US and "bed sitters"in the UK basicly 1 room with cooking facilities or shared kitchen priveleges.    

    For more info please see

    click on faces of homelessness and Homelessness and your help can make a difference

    If you'd like to have more info after you read these and ideas on how you can make a difference where you are please email me

  5. It says in Proverbs 19:17 "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again."

    I feel your pain when seeing a homeless person.  My family and I now hand out Helping HandBags to the Homeless when we see them on the Street.  Helping HandBags have several basic hygiene products and an information card with phone numbers including government services for homeless Veterans, runaways and much more.  

    Most people don't give money for they think it's going to buy cigs and alcohol.  You can give money but money is temporary and doesn't have referral numbers for them to get help.

    You can get Helping HandBags from a company called Guiltless Giving.  

    If feels good to give.  Do it often.

    Amy D

  6. A lot of homeless people are very mentally ill. We do not have enough facilites or mental hospitals to house them so they are sent out the doors.

  7. rich people would loose their importance if we were all happy

  8. Most American are 2 paychecks away from homelessness, it can happen to anyone.  I have the "d's" of homelessness

    Disease-can't work

    Disability-cannot work now or in the future

    Downsizing-job loss

    Divorce-loss of income from dual  wage earners or displaced homemaker with no job skills

    Death of a spouse or close family member

    Depression in the economy

    Disaster-major catastophic event-loss of everything, home, jobs and material posssessions

    Anything that jeopardizes loss of income is a potential  for homelessness.

    There are not enough shelters and social services have very tight budgets.  Some of the prople need to be retrained in another type of work.  Some have mental health issues and addiction disorders, some women have to leave because of abuse, sometimes people are evicted and have no where to go, sometimes they are just so emotionally worn out they just give up trying to help themselves.

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