
Why are people homophobic?

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But its actually 100% NOT a choice.

Have you ever met a g*y person who said they chose to be that way??? (if so, they obviously werent g*y at all)

Should we take away women's voting rights and move black people to the back of the bus? come onnn




  1. they are scared because homosexuals are different and they can't understand why. and lots of people are scared of things they don't understand.

  2. Simple.:

    "You want to do that???? ... You must be nuts! "

    A human being is a pretty potent object.

    One who's actions you can't predict or understand  might

    well be considered something to be avoided.

  3. Because they have anxiety about their own response to members of the same s*x. Everyone can relate a little bit to the s*x appeal of their own s*x. But a lot of people have their sense of self so structured around the gender script, that they feel personally threatened by things that cross gender boundaries. The idea of sexuality within one gender threatens them, because they superficially understand how it happens; they know their own s*x can be s**y -- but they can't separate that knowledge from the possibility of a real sexual response within themselves. So in fear and anger at feeling their own personal boundaries are being broken by homosexuality itself, they lash out defensively at it, and at homosexual people. IMO some anxiety about homosexuality is a fairly normal response for a straight person who grows up in a society with strong gender norms. It's when it becomes hate that it's a problem.

    (homophobia is different from making a judgment that homosexuality is immoral - although often the judgment is influenced by the fear, it can't be assumed)

  4. Well once again we have to discuss anothers s*x choices and of course Only this group has no choice. They have not heard of abstinence you know.

    The thought of what goes on between same s*x acts is enough to turn of all normal minded people.

    In defense to this issue it is known that there are differing s*x traits. There are forty-eight units of pattern control--trait determiners--in the s*x cells of human reproduction. Who is to say that this is not a factor in this problem.

    On the other hand this disgusting s*x act is not now nor will it ever be accepted by any normal culture. It has been tried time and time again with the same results.

  5. Because people are afraid of what it different. It's their way of showing their fear. It's terrible, but it's true.

  6. There are actually three kinds of "g*y" that I've noticed: g*y by nature, g*y by choice, and g*y by circumstance.

    g*y by nature means that someone was built that way. There's nothing you can do about it. You can choose not to act on it, but you'll be dissatisfied so long as you make this choice.

    g*y by choice means that someone chooses to be g*y, but isn't built that way. This is actually the least-common way to be g*y, but it's actually valid.

    g*y by circumstance happens when there simply isn't another choice. People in prisons and on certain naval vessels (as well as any same-gender combination in close quarters) can start having feelings for others of the same gender, but this disappears the moment that the situation changes and there are likely opposite-gender partners.

    We won't go into bisexuality, because it's outside the scope of your question.

    Knowing these three kinds of "g*y" means that there are lots of ways to interpret who is or isn't actually g*y.

    Most homophobes believe that g*y people choose to be that way (in spite of their claims). I tend to ask them: "Would you ever think of touching someone of the same gender?" The answer, of course, almost without variation, is "No." (Usually includes expletives before the 'no'.) My next question is more obviously leading: "So what makes you believe that guys who think about touching other guys is anything but wired into the genetics?"

    The answers I get to that question (which is actually rhetorical) tend to be emotional ones. They almost universally boil down to one of two categories: fear that it can somehow "catch on"; or anger because of something that happened to them. They believe that being g*y is nothing more than a choice, because if it's a genetic condition then they can't fight it or blame the other person (even though most g**s would never dream of actually raping someone).

    It would also be helpful if people would stop "recruiting" others who are g*y, who might not be "out" yet. There are plenty of people out there (both male and female) who are g*y, and pressing the issue in order to get someone to "come out" (even though you want it really badly) can sometimes be seen more as recruitment than actually being helpful. It's best to ask openly, obtain a yea or nay, and then drop it.

    I've also witnessed open hostility toward straight people, on the basis that "everyone's g*y" because they themselves can't accept that being g*y is only normal for a certain percentage of the population. These intolerant people are promoting hatred of others. These are also the people who are more likely to try to force it on someone.

    People are afraid because their perception (not understanding what it's like to be g*y) is far different that those who are g*y. They thus use fear and intimidation to try to "win back" people from being g*y. This only works in the second instance, unless by choosing they discover something about themselves.

  7. It isn't the homosexuals who are content with the fact that they are different and most other people are different from them. It is those amongst them who apparently have something against the fact that there are straight heterosexuals in the world. Those type show sexual aggression toward straights sometimes in ways similar I suppose to the homosexual abuse that goes on in prisons. To a straight the thought of going against his own masculinity if he is a male by having s*x with another male is absurdly insane and immediately dismissed as thus. However, since the source of all homosexuality is not known, the straight who is confronted by an aggressive homosexual always has a wonder in the back of his mind about just how much further the aggressor will go. In other words, since the homosexual is showing aggression toward the straight, the straight is wondering whether or not he will have to defend his self against the g*y who perhaps is so sociopathic it does not matter to him that there is not only no consent from the straight, but there is no possibility of interest.

    Another thing is the ones who direct their sexuality toward everyone else of the same gender as though everyone is like them and there is no such thing as straight heterosexuality. Now, if someone is behaving that way, I have to hesitate and ask myself just what other kind of detached from reality psychosis is this individual going to enter. Will they start hallucinating that everyone is like them and start behaving as though they all want them the way that they would like to be wanted? One other definition of autism is the choosing of fantasy over reality. I believe many g**s at least part of the time are autistic in that way. Perhaps it is the only way that they can feel comfortable with being so different from the majority of the population. They also, of course, seem to much more obsessed with s*x than most straights. Perhaps they are trying to get something out of erotica which cannot be gotten there.

  8. Most of us aren't. We just disagree with the sexual lifestyle they have and the homosexuals with their politically correct allies automatically brand us "homophobic".

    Sorry, but from what I've been taught that type of lifestyle is wrong. Mind you there were liberal times in my life twenty years ago that I would have agreed to the views of today. But then I've adopted the codes and ethics of God's laws and find myself contrary to what the homosexual community believes.

    Have I no right to my own opinion without the threat of being branded by a lie?

    There was a time years ago when I was slurred by that from a q***r on Queen Street West and I automatically shot back with a question to him about his phobias. He said what phobia? I called him a word I coined there on the spot, you're obviously "CLITORALPHOBIC" now aren't you? Your very lifestyle betrays that phobia now doesn't it?

    He didn't like that branding any more than a clear thinking adult likes to be blanketed with a lie like "homophobic".

    The ones who actually hate the homosexuals are those who are living in fear. All hatreds are born of fear. But not all opinions are wrong and the community that is desperatly trying to be accepted without rancour will not tolerate another's opinion if it goes against their grain.

    Now what do you call that?

  9. Here is a question , Why are some straight people not homophobic? Being homophobic is natural. but homosexuality is unnatural. most normal humans beings are disgusted by  the concept. is just how the human world is. I mean, it would be really weird if people all liked g**s. i mean thats strange. you don't want your kids growing up having g*y friends when they are you or thinking that it is the right thing to do! they might  go down that path too just because they think it may be fun, different or just an option. So ask yourself, "Why aren't i homophobic?"

  10. There are many types of attitudes which complementary gender people have toward people who have not developed in that pattern.

    Self-hatred on the part of those who are of that minority is not good.

    It is possible that the condition of homosexualism is in part, and for at least some such, changeable.  That is a reasonable option, and those who seek such change ought to be able to consider it either as a lifestyle change or as a change from sickness to health.

    There is much wisdom in "Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet, which can be recommended to everyone.

  11. ignorance and easy oppressing.

    Humans are naturally vile creatures nowadays due to their environment. You will find that the percentage of men who are homophobic is considerably higher than women. You would think it wouldn't bother men-I mean why should it?-Straight men shouldn't be at all bothered about homosexual men.

    The truth is it makes men feel like 'men' Men(Yes I am one too) are generally pathetic creatures and follow eachother and find themselves going in circles.

    Men act like 'men' to feel safe. Also ego-Men want to be 'men'

    Of course that is in general but not every male is like that-Just the vast majority.

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