
Why are people in AA so incredibly vulgar?

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I got a citation for underage drinking so I had to attend some AA meetings and an alcohol workshop (a 12-Step program)

In both programs, everyone used extremely fowel language on a regular basis (f***, c**t, etc.)

I brought my Mother to a meeting so she could see how bad it was. My Mother's jaw was hanging open when she attended the meeting. She was shocked at the language they used and what they talked about. One man spoke about how he stopped drinking by jerking off a lot. He went on to describe how he is addicted to jerking off and masturbates several times a day. Isn't that kind of rude to say in public?

In the 12-Step program, the alcohol counselor also used that language and discussed s*x with the guys. They got all macho and explained how they liked to "blow it into girls" . The counselor would ask everyone "Do you drink to get f**cked up?"

Why couldn't he be professional and say "intoxicated" or "drunk"

Why does these old men in AA have any respect for my Mother




  1. Yeah, great, isn't it?  Aren't you just AMAZED that THIS is actually considered a treatment for alcoholism?  And don't you just love how you--an underage girl--were somehow supposed to benefit from exposure to a bunch of dirty old men talking about jerking off?

    And I'll bet you dollars to donuts some 12 stepper will answer your question to tell you that you just hit a bad meeting and need to find another one.  Good luck with that...even the ones that aren't vulgar are awful.

  2. I went to an AA meeting with a friend who wanted to quit for the exact same reason you said.  I didn't believe her and was mad at her and didn't believe her.  I am probably your Mom's age and I was so disgusted I actually stood up and made a comment that my friend was there on a court mandate and that as long as she was there that they should talk as if there is a "lady" in the room.  Needless to say we got "heckled" out of the room.  The next day I went with my friend to her probation office and reported the problem.  Needless to say she was "forced" to go back to another AA meeting this time at a church.  I went with her and this one was not as bad but was still not good.  I think the system needs to be revamped.

    Peace & Love :)

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