
Why are people in general happy with the idea of women wearing jeans and trousers......?

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........but find the idea of a man wearing dresses, skirts or other female clothing at very least amusing and at most abhorrent. Surely that is being hypocritical?




  1. Depends which way you look at it, remembering that fashion plays a very big part on how people dress. It became fashionable  for women to wear jeans and trousers where it has never been in fashion for men to wear  dresses or skirts. On the other hand women spent the greatest part of the history of the earth as the under dog of society, but now we are over taking men and generally have more rights then that of men, as men have always had more rights then women till a few decades ago.  

  2. hi marty, its because of the masseswho believe that its degrading for a man to look like a lady, i myself am not one of the masses, i think people should be able to wear what they like, but unfortunately, societys attitude makes this difficult. but have you noticed how many men now wear pink? pink ties shirts etc, years ago they would have got laughed at.

  3. Because it is a man's world. Anything to question masculinity gets beat down.

  4. I have no problems with anybody wearing what they like. I am really comfy in jeans and would think that some guys are feeling the same when they wear ladies clothes. Hey, it's a free world, enjoy your time in it, you never know how long you have!!!

  5. Whatever you want to call it I dont find it s**y.   I dont want to see my guy with my black sequin dress...and I dont wear his jeans, I wear jeans made for women, that accentuate my hips and conceal whatever imperfections I have.    It's not so much about hipocrisy, it just that its simply NOT s**y.

  6. It is cultural conditioning I am afraid.People are narrow minded as to what is 'normal' by the society they grew up in and the parental ideas they were fed.I am happy to say that my folks taught me to live and let live...and never judge a person by what color skin they have,what they wear,etc.

    As for women wearing pants and manly looking shirts,I guess we can thank women's lib for that.The women wanted to be equal to men,and often ended up looking more like men than they did women.Really nothing wrong with that either--whatever one is comfortable what they should wear.Who cares what strangers think??Or even close-minded relatives??!!

    Stay true to yourself,Marty--hold your head up high and show off your long legs in whatever fashion you desire:-)

  7. If some guy wants to, I have no problems with it.

    Most people do find kilts socially acceptable, but I don't see why they shouldn't wear  other styles as well.

  8. It's culture, for many years this sort of thing has been seen as "q***r" and therefore bad. It makes many feel uncomfortable when men dress as women. If your not after provoking a reaction, you could always try wearing kilts.

  9. who says that jeans are male clothing?  maybe they once were, but not anymore...

    anyway, tons of guys at my school wear women's jeans, and though they might not look good its not considered weird.

    Its easy to understand why a woman would want to wear jeans, but kind of hard to understand why a man would want to wear a skirt or dress.  Women don't wear jeans with the purpose of looking or feeling masculine.  What other reason would a man have to wear a skirt or dress than to cross-dress, and feel feminine?

    edit: okay, so you find it 'relaxing and emotionally comforting' to feel feminine.  I'm not saying its bad, I just don't think anyone is being hypocritical.

  10. Scottish skirts on men look funny but not completely insane since we've been taught that "it's OK, because they are Scottish". The other types of dresses men never wore, so we've never been exposed to this idea as being normal. Any type of feminine dress/skirt kind of situation was made to minimize the females' ability to do physical activity and maximize well umm... accessibility.. so I don't see how in the male dominated world man would go for that. Also it's uncomfortable, thus I never wear anything but pants/jeans.

  11. Because women wear trousers all the time, men dont wear skirts or dresses, so the sight is unusual.

    People can wear what they want, in my opinion, and im sure many others think the same. Its just the initial reaction at something out of the ordinary.

    Men are 'allowed' to have hairy armpit - but most people would find it 'at very least amusing and at most abhorrent' if they saw a woman doing the same! Hypocritical?

  12. Men's legs, as a rule, should be covered up as much as possible! it's no one's fault, they just aren't easy on the eye!

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