
Why are people in glasgow so unhappy?

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Why are people in glasgow so unhappy?




  1. You've obviously never been there - run down grimy tenement blocks, drugs, poor food - and does anyone know how it ever got to be City of Culture - it didn't work, did it!

  2. Because they are scottish? Lol do you know chen tai chi and yang tai chi?  

  3. Because I moved out and came to live here.

  4. I disagree.

    I live in Edinburgh but i have more friends in Glasgow. The weegies are total banter! There's no more unhappy people there than there is in other places, the difference is they probably don't try to mask it with fake enthusiasm.

    I'm moving there next year :)  

  5. I think it's because they went into KFC,the place is a dirty sh*t hole.aye a um fae scoatlin an a went in there last week nearly made me boke.

  6. Have you seen the place - it's awful!

  7. A haggis goes into a pub and orders up a bottle of the best whisky.

    “You’re looking awfy smug wae yerself,” says the barman.

    “Aye,” says the haggis, “Ah’ve jist been sewing ma wild oats.”

  8. The best place to live in Glasgow is on the road to Edinburgh!

  9. Who says we are unhappy? I am happy as can be on the south side of Glasgow and yes we can afford computers.

  10. they dont want to live there? i dont know ask them lol

  11. because of the deep fried mars bars

  12. Who says they are ??

    They have a fantastic sense of humour up there.

  13. I live 45 minutes from Glasgow and I find them very happy and friendly any time I go over to Glasgow.

    Us Scots are a true cheery nation, where else would you be greeted with this:

    Come in, Come in

    It's nice tae see ye

    How's yersel?

    You're lookin grand

    Tak yer ease

    We'll try tae please ye

    Man yer welcome

    Here's ma hand

  14. Watch Still Game, then youll find out why!

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