
Why are people inherently sexist? selfish? patriotic?

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Have you ever seen a woman behind a prostate cancer charity, or a man solely responsible for organizing a breast cancer run? Know of any woman who has stood up for a men's rights or a man doing the opposite (without being coerced by his wife)? How can people preach equality...but only preach for their own s*x? Why do people put their country first when we're all human? Why is patriotism so admired if selfishness is one of the main factors supporting it? I have no problem with patriotism as long as it is used maturely. I want my country to be great, but saying it is the greatest country in the world is demeaning to others. Trying to find evidence that a male is superior to a female, or a female superior to a male is completely stupid. A male can think and act faster than a woman? Maybe, so? A female is better able to multitask than a man? Maybe, so? Yahoo answers automatically assigns a male's head to people who haven't updated their profiles. Females are rarely the butt of a joke in commercial ads, but the male always comes out looking foolish. Sexist? Maybe. That's my rant, have fun with it.




  1. It's much easier to get someone to buy if you flatter them and make them feel superior. Women are still most likely to be responsible for supplying the home with products. Advertising execs know the statistics ;)

    I've got two sons and was raised with 3 brothers, I stick up for all of them all the time. They need it...poor babies ;)

  2. Females are extremely sexist.

    Feamles will gladly say "the majority of pedophiles are MALES"  (who never heard that roll off a females tongue?) and not bat an eye at the sexism in that statement. They will gladly say "most killers are males"  and not bat an eye at the sexism of that statement. But... if a male says "most inventors are males".... girls (like my sister) go crazy and cry sexism. See, males are only allowed to be recognized for evil things....... not positive things. Thats how political correctness works. Women are only allowed to be known for POSITIVE things and males are only allowed to be known for NEGative things.

    In fact, women are so sexist and anti male, they wont even call another woman a pederast. Just males.

    Anyways, the fact women are never referred as "sexist" (the word has an EXCLUSIVE MALE ONLY USAGE in our society) is the most sexist aspect of it all.

    Calling someone a sexist, is sexist because that "someone" is surely going to be male. Never some man hating feminist.

  3. cause each s*x has their own things to worry about

  4. I've seen plenty of men stand up for women's rights and vice versa.

    People put their own country first because what affects their country affects them as well.

  5. I actually have seen a man who started a breast cancer walk/run.  It was a small, local event, but he did start it.  I also know of a man, unmarried and childless, who made a large donation to an ovarian cancer foundation.

    True there are a lot of people who do all the things you list, but you have to remember that for every person who is sexist, selfish, or over the top patriotic, remember there are even more people out there who aren't these things.  I like to think that I am none of the things you list.  

    Another thing, females may rarely be the "butt of the joke" but they are often portrayed as s*x objects in skimpy clothing with perfect hair and makeup.  Some men are, but it is much more so with the women than the men.

    You're right some people do portray themselves that way because they think it will get them the attention they crave.  We as a society need to discourage this and hopefully that will bring about change to where men and women are simply people, not stereotypical portrayals of their respective genders.

  6. That's an awesome question.  But really- there is no "right" answer.  Men&Woman are exactly the same people, as are The United States and Australia.  Same thing for Blacks&Whites.  We are all the same people, but we are all emotionally different.  This world has come of so much hate, and greed, and just overall awfulness- it's really sickening.  In the late 1800's- you could let your child play outside alone for a day!  And the only worry was wagon wheels and snakes or whatever.  But now, you've got to worry about rapists, terrorists, thieves, etc.  It's good to have an opinion.  But not when it comes to color, or gender.  My answer might be off task but- whatever!

  7. so ? most ppl arent sexist nowadays

  8. It's human nature for us to be selfish and all the other things. It's not right, but people just want to make themselves happy because they believe they deserve it more than another person.

    I'm sure men stand up for womens rights but you don't see it often because you aren't there. If you are going to base your information on what the media wants to show you, then you aren't speaking with knowledge.

    Yahoo!Answers should probably switch that default head to something that doesn't resemble a human head. Maybe just simply put a "Y!A" logo or something like that.

    No matter what you think is right or wrong, people will always have their own beliefs.

  9. I personally hate those ads, especially the ones that say "men have their idea of clean, and we have ours." and then says something along the lines of thank god i'm a woman. Since when are all men fat dirty slobs?  

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