
Why are people intimidated by other with bald heads!?

by  |  earlier

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Is it because those willing to shave their head bald and will to do anything? It doesn't even matter when comes to race and gender. They could be black with a bald head, white with a bald head, asian with a bald head, a women with a bald head. And it seems to get worse when they add... Glasses. Why isn't any one worried about people with lots of hair. I mean.... Where are they getting all this hair from. Why is bald the universal signal for BADD!!




  1. I think because it gives off a tough impression, and because being bald in a fight would give the opponent less of an advantage (like gripping hair, except none is there!)

  2. -where r they getting all this hair from? cute

    y are ppl afraid of bald ppl b/c they look tuff i mean they are obviously fearless they r not afraid 2 look stupid so what else r they not afraid 2 do my b/f goes thru the same ish ppl think skinhead until they see he's with me then he becomes some weird white dude with a bald head

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