
Why are people involved in special education volatile?

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Why do special education children have so much trouble with relationships?




  1. low self-esteem is the usual hurdle special children have to cross to get to live a normal life.  it doesn't help that they're labeled as kids who go to 'special schools' or get 'special education'.

    my kids go to this great school that's a regular school with an integrated remediation and intervention program.  there, my kids get the special education they need, and the socialization they crave for with both special and regular kids.  this equality medium boosts their confidence a lot!

    and yes, they're great with relationships now.  my eldest son of 7 years actually has his own posse now!

  2. Well, many special needs kids have disabilities that inhibit their communication skills.  Also, if they have developmental delays, they will think and function at a level below their chronolgical age and that will make it harder to communicate with others their age.  There are many such reasons and it is different for every child, each of whom has his/her own challenges.  Often, the problem is not purely theirs.  "Normal" people often are not sure how to communicate with those who have special needs, which adds to the problem.  

  3. I think it is because they are rejected by their peers who

    are non-LD,rejected by adults who do not understand.

    Most of the time they are bullied which causes low self esteem.

  4. Often they are frustrated because they sometimes struggle to do the things they see other do so easily.

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