
Why are people judgemental these days?

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  1. society is moving at a faster pace then back when and because of this a opinion needs to be made at a faster pace

    people judge other people by there own back ground and understandings

    you also need to take into count that most people judge one another by association alone

    here s one you see a 300 lb woman sitting on a bench eating ice cream

    whats your first thought of this person

    yep you got that from association you never interacted with this person just formed a opinion by what you already knew because it was faster then back when when you might have talked with her and formed a better understanding


  2. Do you realize you are the one judging people. You get in life only that which is a mirror of you. Know one likes to admit this but if stop judging you will not attract people into your life that are judgemental..I coach people & we talk on the phone every week. When someone has this problem I give them an assignment. I want them to notice how often they are judging others & then the next week they are to report back. Or they can just e-mail me with what happened cause they usually are shocked at how they don't think they are judgemental until they do this & noticing it because I tell them to write it down really shows them they are judging all the time. Try it & see. So people are no more judgemental now as they have ever been.

  3. wow. i'm surprised you 'recently' noticed! people have been judgemental for a very long time, since Adam and Eve ate the 'bad apple'

  4. People are always judgmental, it's human nature.

    There might be a sort of cultural backlash right now, though.

    Our country is in a perpetual state of fear as of late, so we need soft, fuzzy sameness in our lives, instead of people who might be different.

  5. if always been judgmental there's just more outlets to do it

  6. Society thinks my avatar is strange.....

  7. I do not think that people today are more judgmental than our 1900, 1800, etc counterparts.

    however it could be argued that multiculturalism has fuelled racism, though it could also be argued that we have become more tolerate, for example the KKK at it's height had many members it now has next to none.

  8. you know what they say opinions are like buttholes everybody has them and they all stink

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